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She woke up with a jerk. As a plate was slid into the cell. She watched someone walk away, stepping closer to the plate. The food wasn't much. A small brick of bread. A small cup of water. And some slop looking thing. She thought to herself. 'What If this is the only thing i will get for a while... I'm gonna save it.' She then breaks part of the bread in half.
After she ate half of what they have her she stored the other half secretly over by where she slept. She looked out a small crack in the plane wall. "It's still morning?"
She then spun around as the door opened. "I've waited too long princess." The man snarled. She didn't realize it was the first man from before until she was already slammed against the floor.
She writhered under his grip. Letting out a grunt of effort as she tries to knee him. He snarled. And ripped off her clothing.
She was frozen in fear as the man touched her. His lust filled eyes staring down at her body hungrily. She made another attempt to get him off of her but failed miserly.
She was punished by him taking his clothes off rapidly. She yelled in pain as he rammed into her. Keeping her pinned against the floor. His eyes angry. "I told you. You are 'mine' now. Your precious rebellion ain't gonna save you now. I'm going to make you tell me every single little detail about it. And then. I might even spare your life." He snapped.
She blacked out from the pain shooting through her body. And with trying to get him off. She cried silently. As he finally got off of her and left.
She sobbed more when she woke up. Curling up into a tight ball. She let out a mangled whimper as she heard someone open the door. But it was the gorgeous guard. She looked at him. Covering up her body. Reid stepped into her cell. "Hey. I won't hurt you." He said softly. Reaching down with a cloth to wipe her face off. He handed her new clothes. And smiled slightly.
Luna still flinched away from him. Finally relaxing slightly. "W-why did he do that?" She asked her eyes full of fear and pain. Seeing her like hurt Reid.
"Have you heard of the resistance?" He asked her calmly.
Luna nodded. "Yes, I was born and raised with the others. But I was sent away after I almost died. My mother thinking I couldn't handle it gave me up and sent me away. But these... These people know. And they know I know about it..."
Reid nods. Showing her a blue dragon tattoo on his wrist. "I'm part of it."
Luna's eyes brightened. "You are? D-Does that mean your going to help me get out of here?!" She asked hopefully.
Reid nodded. "I will try my best Luna."

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