Shackles and chains

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The plane came to a landing. Making Luna grip onto the bars of the cell. After the plane touched down the doors are thrown open. And a guard walks in. Placing chains on her wrists and dragging her out of the cell. They hadn't fed her for a while so she was quiet weak.
As she was thrown into the back of a truck. She staid on her knees. Silent tears running down her face. She managed to not make a sound the whole drive.
They once again picked her up and dragged her. When she tried to fight the men she was hit and drugged. Making her drowsy and finally black out.
When she woke up she was chained to the wall. She stood. To cry out in pain. And crumple back down. Tears stinging her eyes. 'No. I'm going to get out of here. No matter how long or how hard it is.' She thought.
Forcing herself to stand she walked forward again. Gritting her teeth. And looking around the new cell. All that was in it was a large bucket in the back of the room. And a thin mattress. She didn't see a door. Or any light. But a tiny crack in a corner. Telling her when it was light out.
Once a door opened she jumped. Struggling against the chains as a guard walks in. "Come on." He sneered unhooking her chains. "And don't even think about trying to run." She mentally curses herself.
She looked around the cell before she was dragged out. Wincing at the pain in her legs and wrists. She looked up. Seeing someone pass them. Noticing it was Reid her eyes brightened. And he turned to look at her. But the guard forced her head forward.
Once they came to the door he grinned, shoving her into a room. That was dim. And having a chair in the middle. She was forced to sit as they strapped her into the chair.
She struggled against the restraints. "Let me go!" Her voice ranged out. And a piercing scream filled the air as the man drove a knife into her leg.
"Shut up bitch!" He snarled angrily.

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