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Luna was curled into a tight ball in her cell. She was being starved as well as a sex toy and tortured. Her normally bright blue eyes are now dull. It had been more than 4 months that she had been in this building. And never knew each waking moment what would happen.
She had cloths wrapped around multiple areas where knives had stabbed her. And today... Today was just as horrible as any other day...
She was woken up in the middle of the night. Caught off guard she was dragged down the hall, and strapped to that same damn chair! That same damn chair! Where all of her nightmares came real. She was Beat countless times until she couldn't stand.
Most of the nights Reid stays up all night with her. Making sure she survives through the night.
She let out a whimper as the same guard stalked twords her. Swinging his knife in his hands. It had been a different guard each time. And each time she would lie to Reid. Saying she was fine, that it was only a scratch or a few little cuts. When really...
She's surprised she hasn't died yet. The countless days of pain almost everyday. Small tiny portions of food leaving her weaker then anything. Her eyes slowly dulling.
When she sleeps she gets nightmares. Forcing her to stay awake. She hasn't been sleeping,eating well for the past 3 months, but today....
Today she wants it all to end. She pleads the guard to kill her. Pleads and pleads until she can't speak anymore. As a knife drags over her skin she finally blacks out.
Waking up in Reid's arms she snaps back to reality. She glanced up at Reid. Her weak body shivering from the cold. It had been snowing for the past 3 weeks straight. And from being in a cell that was dark and cold didn't help.
But when she was with Reid... She felt slightly happier. Like it was all a bad dream. And she could make it through. She had grown even closer with the rebeled guard. And now. She was sitting in that same damn chair. In that same damn room, they brought her pain. Every single day... She whimpered as the man stalked closer. Swinging the knife side to side.....

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