Uunder weight

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Reid looked at Luna worriedly. "You need to eat something Luna." He said holding a apple in his hand for her.
She shook her head stubbornly. "I-I'm not hungry." She lied.
"Luna... Please. You haven't ate anything for a while... I don't want you to starve." He murmured softly. Placing the apple into her hands.
She sighed and took a bite of the apple. And wanted to moan at the sweet taste of food. Her body craves more so she took another bite. Looking Reid in the eyes as she does so. "Happy?"
Reid smiled slightly. "Yeah." And he took a bite of his own apple. Looking around the car. They had been driving for what seemed like forever. And now they reached the woods.
Reid looked deep into the woods. And his eyes narrowed. "Stay here." He warned her. As he stepped out of the car. Looking into the woods. His eyes narrowed. "Show yourself." He hissed through gritted teeth.
A shadowy figure stepped into the light. Her hair was pulled back tightly. And she had blazing blue eyes like Luna's. She had dark hair and tanned skin. Luna's hair had been neglected since she was abducted. Her blue eyes didn't shine near as much anymore. And she was way under weight.
Her frail body let out a gasp at the sight of the woman. "Mom!" She managed to croak out as she stepped out of the car.
The woman's head snapped to her daughter. And she ran to her. Wrapping her arms tightly around Luna. "Oh my precious Luna." She cried.
Reid stood watching them slightly confusedly. His head tipped slightly to the side."you know her?"
Luna nodded. "Yeah..." She murmured. Glancing up at the woman. "A little."
The woman pulled back. Looking her daughter up and down."why are you so skinny?" She asked worriedly. Looking at her daughters frail figure.
Luna looked down. And a tear fell down her cheek. "It's them mom... They found me." And she bit her bottom lip. "Reid saved me..."
The woman turned to Reid. "Thank you so much for saving my daughter." She says warmly. Her eyes still slightly challenging and worried. "Come on dear. We need to get you new clothes and some food."
Luna shook her head stubbornly. "I'm not going with you. It's staying with Reid."
Reid smiled slightly too himself. And walked over to Luna and the woman. "Hey. Luna if you want we could go see their camp." He whispered against her ear.
Luna sighed. "Fine..."

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