Running. Again....

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"No! Stop! Please!" She yelled helplessly. As the man continued. She sobbed and flinched as the door was flung open.
"Get off of her." Reid snarled at the man. His eyes shining angrily. The man huffed and continued. So Reid walked over and ripped him off of her.
The mans eyes widened in fear."You work for me! Not for her!" He yelled.
"Sorry. 'Boss'." He snapped revealing the blue tattoo of the resistance on his right wrist.
Taking his arm she ran after him weakly. Her legs crumpling ever few steps. And ended up being carried. As he shot many guards in the process. He manage to break through the line of guards and that 'man.' Shooting him as he ran.
He Leaps outside. Running to the car he had ready, he placed her inside. Shutting the door after buckling her in, then sprinting around and leaping into the car.
The engine roared to life as he started it. Speeding off into the empty road. He continued to drive, going faster once others started following him.
They took many many turns. Soon Luna passed out. Her eyes still dull as she slumped against the seat.
Reid's eyes darkened and he continued to drive. "Don't worry Luna. Don't worry I'll make sure your safe..." He murmured.
They had been driving for a few hours now. And Luna had finally woken up. She looked around the car. "W-what?! We. We got out?!" She exclaims.
Reid nodded. "Yes. And I promise, that I will never let them touch you again." He spat angrily.

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