Art class ~Tsukishima Kei x Male reader~ #1

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Tsukishima was at lunch when spending time with Yamaguchi. He just got back from Math class and Yamaguchi from science.
The two got along very well because they were childhood friends. But being separated from class made Yamaguchi very uncomfortable, so he was glad that Art class was Tsukishima's next class too.

"Tsukki! What do you think we'r gonna sketch later?"  He turned off his phone and looked at Yamaguchi then back towards the hallway "I din't know. I mean, our art teacher is full of surprises on what we draw next."  Yamaguchi nodded and the bell then rang. They were on time since they both were already walking towards the classroom only to see a guy sat the left corner of the room.

The guy already had his sketch book out and was waiting for the teacher. Yamaguchi looks at the guy like he hasn't seen him much. As for Tsukishima, he's seen him a lot. He's seen in his math, english, chemistry, and lastly, art class. Quite frequently, the guy asks him about homework.

"Tsukki, let's go sit beside him!" Tsukishima turned to Yamaguchi and agreed, though he didn't really want to sit beside the guy. "Okay. Sure..." To be honest, this guy is good at most of his classes, especially art. This guy spends his extra time drawing his surroundings, like in. Lunch earlier.

"Oh, hey Tsukishima! I find you were avoiding me a lot lately. Don't worry, I'm not asking for any homework now."  Tsukishima scoffed and grinned a little "Good. Because I'm pretty sick of you coming up to me just for that."  The guy smiles with an unamused look. "Why am I not even surprised."

Yamaguchi looks at the two in confusion. He has now just realize they knew each other enough. The other students finally came into the room, followed by a few students running and the teacher behind them. "Well, someone was busted..." Tsukishima quietly blurted out and Yamaguchi snickered. Meanwhile, the male beside the two was still waiting on the teacher.

The teacher finally got in front of the class and explained what they were gonna be doing. "Alright class, we'll be studying anatomy, so first of, get your notebooks and start writing before we start drawing. Clear?"   "YES MA'AM"

After an hour, we were finally done with art class an it was finally time for training. Tsukishima and Yamaguchi were not "trash talking" Hinata. Suddenly there was a knock at the gym door. It was the same person. He asked if he could draw the team training since his art teacher told him that they had anatomy homework.

"Sure. Draw any of us! We'll get back to training now." Daichi says and the boy nods and sat on one of the benches.

As everyone was practicing, the guy, or known as, M/n, was still drawing. Hinata took a look and saw he, Asahi, and Tanaka were drawn either preparing to receive or to spike the ball.

"M/n! That looks awesome!" Hinata said, smiling out of delight on how his drawing turned out, and M/n looked light he was also delighted, but practically didn't know what Hinata was talking about since he talked too fast.

After a while, the team finally stopped practicing and M/n gave his work to bis art teacher. The he followed after the volleyball team. Though, what was more eye-catching than the other drawings, was Tsukishima's. His was in more detail and more shaded than the others.

The lighting was clear and the fading of the drawing almost seamed realistic. Maybe it was more because he was closer next to M/n, that's all.

The next few days, M/was back at the gym again, but this time drawing the equipment they used. Like the net, the volleyballs, and the whole court. Every drawing M/n made was absolutely fantastic, and now, Kageyama was practicing his art skills to beat him....which...he fails to a lot of times, but he's getting better at it.

Though, the weird part was how much unfocused Tsukishima was every time M/n was there in the court sitting on the bench. The team would always catch him stealing glances at the focused boy and almost got hit by a ball in the face once. Hinata finally had the chance to make fun of him.

~M/n's p.o.v~

Recently, my art teacher has been sending me to the volleyball team court now. I usually draw the poses of the guys practicing, or either the equipment or the outsides of the gym. The team would always see me walk around outside the gym sometimes, drawing different sides of the corridor because I had nothing else to draw or do.

I usually have Tsukishima on my book since he's much more close to me at the time I draw him. Maybe the other reason I know how to draw him is because I mostly remember his features. His headphones, how he carries his bag, how his hair looks, his eyes, his hands, and his movement since I sometimes hang out with him and Tadashi now.

I consider him and me as great friends!

I went back to the gym yet again because of my teacher who told me to try and draw Nishinoya or the coach since sometimes, they are the most still and focused ones...well, Coach Ukai isn't really the calm and steady person, but hey. He is quite still for a person that needs movement most of the time to explain what he's saying.

After a while, I kinda realize that Tsukishima was starring at me a lot recently and would continuously avoid my gaze as I catch him starring.

"Saltyshima! Focus on your practice or coach will kick your ass!" Ukai looks at me and then back to Tsukishima with a seem,y irritated look. "The dweeb is right! If you don't focus I'm gonna kick you out of the gym ASAP!" Tsukishima then looks annoyed and continued to look at his opponents, Tanaka, Daichi, Sugawara, Nishinoya, Tanaka, and Ennoshita.

I finally finished my drawing and ran to my art teacher to give my work snd go back to the gym since we still have one more hour of break then we can go home. I walked in the gym and still hear balls slamming onto the ground. I was happy that the team was still there since almost everyone I know is still busy.

I watched the ball as it went to...uh...Hinata's legs, to Tanaka, to Sugawara, then to Daichi then to Yamaguchi, to Kageyama, then to Tsukishima. Kageyama got mad at Tsukishima since he says that he wasn't jumping high enough to spike the ball, though the ball being too low for him.

"Oh come on. Don't too used to setting for the little squirt. I'm not small like him." "WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" I then again, have a happy look on my face because I get to see this almost all the time.

After school, we all went home. I asked Tsukishima if I could walk home with him and Yamaguchi. Since me, Tsukishima, and Yamaguchi live almost close together, we get to see each other A LOT. Though Tadashi was the first to say bye and go walk on his own to his house, I'll always be left with a silent Tsukishima who doesn't give two shits about me.

"Tsukishima. When are you even gonna pay attention to what I say?" I yell at him because I was telling him something that he didn't listen to and clearly had headphones on.

"Fine. What were you saying?" He looks at me with a expressionless face. I sighed knowing he wont care about what I say.

"Never mind-" "Say it dumbass. I didn't pause my Queen music because I wanted to." I looked at him and sighed again then proceeded to tell him what I wanted to say. "Only for me to make this short. I like you, Tsukishima." He looked at me half wide eyed, but faded.


"I like you too..."

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