Yamaguchi Tadashi

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Title: Let's try


In a world full of the worst things everywhere, Tadashi never saw it. He was calm and fine baout things in life. Well, he wasn't calm all the time.

He tried to do a float serve his first time in his volleyball training and failed a few times dues to nervousness.

Though all of that is Tadashi, lets move to someone who admires him so.


He was even more calm and collective about things that Tadashi mostly can't handle. He is always there to help Tadashi in anything.

Very much the opposite of his twin, though he helps too. Kei Tsukishima was Tadashi's friend since childhood, and Kei refused to let you see Tadashi everytime he goes to play with him.

"Kei! Wait up."

Kei stopped and stood while looking at his phone and you walked closer to him.

"Thanks."  "No problem."

That short of a convo ended you both kept on walking. After a while, you both finally caught up to Tadashi house and he was already waiting outside.

"Hi Tsukki! Hi Y/n! Good morning" Tadashi says with a smile and runs towards you and your brother.

"Hi Tadashi! Ready to go to school?"

He nods and the three of you started walking again.

Kei was about to put his headphones on, but before he did, he told you to stop talking and treating Tadashi like a baby.

You can't help it though. Tadashi is adorable and you can't help but baby him all the time.

Tadashi doesn't mind a single bit. He enjoys the company. And also being babied by you.

School as usual was the same and nothing was out of the ordinary. You were in baseball practice and Tadashi was there watching. He was done with his last subject before.

"I don't want to be here man...I hate baseball!" A bored expression was painted on your face and you had your hat off. Your friend that was beside you was just staring at you patting your back. "Ya know you can just leave right?. I mean, your parent's aren't stoppin' ya."

You stare and just decided to walk to the coach and talk. Yamaguchi was looking and went to your friend.

"Hey, did he actually just ask to quit baseball?"

Your friend looks over to see that it was only Yamaguchi. He looks back and sees a happy Y/n walking away from the coach.

"Yeah, seems like that mate. Are you his fan or somethin'?"

Yamaguchi turns to look at you, and smiled. "Well, kinda."

Your friend smiles and snorts. "Of course, there's not a day that Y/n doesn't have a fan. I mean, I get it, the guy's cool and great, but it doesn't really means he is just to have people swarm over him. But this is really the first time I've met a male fan of his. Usually it's women. Pleased to meet you, I'm Avery, transferee from the Philippines. I'm a first you. You?"

Yamaguchi smiles and shook Avery's hand and introduces himself. "I'm Yamaguchi, I am also a first year. Nice to meet you Avery!"

"Hey, Avery!" Ya ready to go man? oh- Yamaguchi, hey man. Are you friends with Avery too?"

Yamaguchi smiles nervously and shook his head "Well- I don't really know if I can really call Avery  a friend yet because we just met, but I was just talking with him." You smile and you walked away "Well, you two keep on chatting! I'll just wait for you two. " Alright man!" Avery says and then turns to Yamaguchi.

Avery smirks and Yamaguchi stares nervously.

"A 'fan' aye?"

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