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It's been a couple of days since they have gotten rid of Junghwan, Jeongwoo wouldn't be lying if he said he felt like he was always on edge. Almost as if someone was following him, but Iksan was about an hour away and Junghwan's mom would have said something to him by now. Right?

"Hey, Woo!"

The said boy jumped, "goodness Jihoon don't scare me like that."

Jihoon chuckled, "sorry, sorry, I just came to collect you, Doyoung said you were late or something."

"We going together then?"

Jihoon nodded, "yeah, that would technically make me late too."


The two walked to the cafeteria together, the whole group had already been caught up with everything that has been happening which now created a safer environment for themselves. Especially people like Jeongwoo who cry at every minor inconvenience.

"Here Woo! Haruto bought you breakfast," Doyoung yelled.

Haruto shook his head, "I didn't buy it, Hyunsuk hyung did."

Hyunsuk just smiled, as if he knew it wasn't him but did it to cover for the younger boys embarrassment, "I got my Jihoon food too."

"My Jihoon, yah!"

Jihoon yelled due to being flustered by Hyunsuk being so forward. Jeongwoo just chuckled and sat by Haruto, starting to eat the food. Haruto just watched him with a loving gaze which made their friends at the table all nudge each other to bring their attention to the pair.

"I think its kind of crazy that like not even a month ago Jeongwoo and Haruto couldn't stand each other," Doyoung said.

The comment made Jeongwoo look in Haruto's direction which made the male act like he wasn't staring, " huh, what?"

"To be fair I was tricked into hating him," Jeongwoo said.

"And I never actually hated him, just didn't know how to explain myself because I didn't even know the full story," Haruto said, which a shrug.

"Which you were drugged, which is insane! But on that note, what like were you guys, I knew you two were friends but like was there more to that," Yoshi asked.

Jeongwoo glanced at Haruto who looked at him, "Um well, we were best friends, I don't know."

"I just knew Jeongwoo wasn't someone I wanted to lose," Haruto mumbled.

Jeongwoo blushed, looking down at his food while he picked at it, "damn you."

Haruto just smiled at the blushing boy, "yeah okay, I'm gonna go, I have to pick up a book before class."

Jeongwoo and Haruto smiled at each other before the taller one left, Jeongwoo just turned his attention back to his food.

"You like him," Jihoon said.

Jeongwoo blushed, "what, who said that, I don't."

"You do," Doyoung yelled.

"Okay listen, just give me time to figure out if I still do, I used to, with everything that happen. I just have so much on my mind. I'm going from I hate his guts to okay he's my friend now in what like more than a week," Jeongwoo said.

"Guys leave him alone," Jaehyuk said.

"Okay, okay, I'm just saying this whole thing must have been hard for you," Jihoon said.

"You know you could have just said that," Mashiho said.

The boys laughed, "Doyoung where is Yedam?"

"Now you notice he's not here, I've literally been moping all morning, he had an early class but is headed home for the weekend," Doyoung sighed.

"I couldn't imagine," Jaehyuk said leaning his head on Asahi's shoulder.

Jeongwoo just chuckled, "Alright, I think my first class for today is starting soon so I'm gonna make my way over there right now."

"Alright Woo, I'll catch up with you in a second," Jihoon said.

Jeongwoo got up collecting his trash to throw it away, once he did he headed his way to his class. which was about a ten-minute walking distance from where he was on campus. Jeongwoo sighed as he took out his headphones when he had made it to his lecture hall. Jeongwoo went back to his usual spot in the class, as he sat down he noticed a paper under his desk.

Jeongwoo set his stuff down moving his chair back so he could bend down to grab it without hitting his head on the table. When he touched it did not feel like a normal piece of paper but more like a photograph, so he picked it up and flipped it over.

what the-

Jeongwoo jumped up letting go of the photo as his heart raced, "No."

"Hey Woo are you okay," Jihoon asked, finally joining the boy in class.

Jeongwoo couldn't even make out words and just pointed to the picture that was on the ground, Jihoon looked over and picked it up. It was a picture of Jeongwoo in one of his classes from outside the building through the window.

"Have a good lesson? What kind of? Bro we literally just got rid of Junghwan and now you have a stalker, when is this going to end," Jihoon groaned, taking a picture of it.

Jeongwoo looked at him, "what are you doing?"

"I have to let the guys know that this isn't over yet, I'm gonna protect you no matter what," Jihoon said.

"I'm just hoping this is some kind of sick prank from one of them," Jeongwoo said, looking at the picture again and having to push it away because it put an awful feeling in his stomach.

please just be some sick joke.


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