Chapter 2

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Author's POV

Taehyung was tired from all the work he had to do from carrying heavy poles to heavy bricks. He was just done, for over a year he has been working in this kingdom amd it was just torture for him, they also never give enough food and that made him really thin but dispite him being really thin he still had his good- looking face which made the other slaves fall for him and wanted to claim him as theirs.

He really wished his time would be up soon but he still got a couple more years then only can they release him. He also has a lot of wounds on his body, on his hands,legs and stomach, and no there is no one hitting him or anything. He accidently hits or scratches himself with whatever his carrying which causes some really bad wounds on his body.


Taehyung was now finished with his work and went in the room where there was a bunch of bunk beds. The room was pretty big. He sat on his bunk bed and let out a heavy sigh. Others were starting to come in. He took his towel and clothes and went in the bathroom.

He finished have a shower and came out wearing a shirt and pants. The others started to look at him licking their lips. He heard them whispering about how they wanted him as his so badly. Some were whispering about all the fun things they could do to him.

Taehyung's POV

I hear them talk about all these nasty things, hearing that made me want to cry. But luckily one guard said that the time was up and we had to sleep now. We climbed into our beds, I slept on the top bed. Instead of sleeping though I sat up and bent my legs to my chest, my hands wrapped around my knees and rested my head on my knees. I started to cry softly, no one could hear me. I thought to myself "when is this suffering going to end"

But little does he know it will end sooner than he thinks.

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