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A strong word.

It meant knowing that a person wouldn't hurt you. To believe that a person wouldn't hurt you.

That word was a struggle in itself. And you had to obtain it from an alligator who's never had it with anyone in his entire life.

How on earth would you prove what that four letter word was, what it meant to trust- And a stranger no less? Would it even be possible in this case?

Time would prove to be a great commodity.

Moving was always a challenge. Or in this situation, the proper term for it would be 'relocating': Being removed from an area that the inhabitant had lived in for months. It was stressful. And that was what Montgomery was feeling.

The rescue center he was previously housed at could only provide so much room for a reptile of his size, and...temperament. He'd gotten so used to being alone and relatively unbothered by anyone, so much so that the alligator had developed a 'love/hate relationship' with his rather small enclosure. But this one? It left him somewhat baffled... It wasn't an enclosure at all. No cement walls, no man-made pond, no fake plants, no metal doors... Nothing that he was used to.

It was just a house. A small A-Frame cabin that sat in the middle of nowhere surrounded by woodland. Montgomery was uneasy about it all. Even the small pond out in the yard didn't make it any better. His mass of teeth couldn't hide the uncomfortable expression that he held.

"Montgomery... You can come inside..." The alligator stood by the porch stairs, his hand gripping the wooden rail as he stared onward at the front door. You had to repeat the assuring sentence before he finally took slow steps. You opened the door and allowed him in. The alligator cautiously peered around. It wasn't what he was used to. No, not at all. A look of uncertainty made its way onto his face and you forced a sentence out to attempt easing him some. "This is where I live." Your soft tone didn't change his look the slightest. You spoke again. "Have you ever been inside of a house before?" The reptile glanced at you before giving a low sigh. His answer was delayed. "...Most folks don' wanna gator in their house." A faint glare appeared on his face before he turned to look around more. Your question had offended him. You turned to a sofa that laid in the living room. Montgomery silently watched you take a comforter from a wall closet and then lay it across the sofa. "I know all of this is stressful for you, being somewhere new and all? But I promise, you'll get used to it." Your hand patted it gently. "You should have a good bit of room on the couch for tonight." Montgomery eyed you a moment before doing the same to the couch. One more daunting look to you and the alligator had turned to glance around the living room again. He found an empty corner against the wall and decided that was where he was going to sleep. The reptile laid down with his tail curled against him, his ruby gaze eyeing you blankly over his epidermal scutes. You could only give a soft sigh as your hand fell from the couch. "Well... If that's where you want to sleep, then that's fine with me." The living room lights were shut off and you adjusted the thermostat to be warmer- For his comfort anyways. You spared another glance to the alligator. The same look was eyeing you down. Coming from a reptile his size was nothing short of intimidating, but you knew he wouldn't harm you- As long as you kept your distance.

It shouldn't have been surprising, but Montgomery didn't sleep at all that night. He couldn't. Unbeknownst to you, the reason why he chose the corner over the couch was because he was scared...

He didn't want to risk being hurt again.


The end of August. About two weeks had passed.

Hunted: A Monty and Y/N FanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora