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The post office was stocked with a line of people. Today you were returning a package that had arrived at your doorstep, one that wasn't yours. Monty had answered the door and the poor mailman had left screaming in terror before realizing that the package wasn't yours. It was fairly large so you couldn't just stick it into the mail box.

An hour later...

After the line had cleared, you grabbed the box and hauled it into the post office. You placed it onto the desk and rung the service bell. A lady came to acknowledge you. She adjusted her glasses and took another glance at you and then to the box, then groused. "Let me guess- Faulty product?" She asked plainly. You scratched your head. "Huh? Oh, no. I'm actually here to return it. It arrived at my house this morning, but it's not mine. Just the wrong delivery address is all." You smiled. The lady blinked slowly and took the package. She placed it onto a conveyer belt that rolled into the back somewhere and then pressed a button on the back intercom. "Package schedule for re-delivery, please!"

You smiled as the lady turned back to you, the same bland and unamused expression plastered on her face as before. "There you go, all done. Now, is there anything else you need? A lollipop? A piece of gum?" She added. The sarcastic tone she spoke with was dulling, but you registered a kind smile to her anyway and bidded her goodbye. "Oh, no. That'll be all, ma'am. Thank you." The lady grumbled something as you turned to exit the small post office but you paid it no mind.


Monty flipped through the channels on the TV. Nothing that caught his interest was on, so he just settled for some old western movie; A John Wayne classic. It had him occupied for a few minutes... But it wasn't long before the alligators boredom had gotten the best of him. Off to the fridge he went.

"Let's see here..." Monty quietly chatted with himself as he busily dug through the various food items. He'd deal with your scolding later. Without an interest catcher, he moved on to the freezer section. The alligator could've drooled at all the meat it held. Monty crained a grin and happily rubbed his claws together as he eyed a sealed bag of flounder filets. "Bingo fer tha dingo~" The bag was grabbed and then tossed into the microwave to defrost. Monty intently watched the plate turn until the microwave beeped. They were done. He pulled the food out and then opened the bag. "Oh, Montgomery Gator- Ya are spoiled, my frien'~" A filet was grabbed and then lifted above his mouth. Before he could latch onto the fish, a scent engulfed the reptiles nostrils. An odd scent. Monty paused and then sniffed the filet he currently held, his face cringing to show confusion. The smell wasn't coming from the fish. It was coming from outside. The reptile had then heard a squirrel chittering- The same squirrel that lived in the big oak tree beside the house. Something was definitely wrong. That squirrel never made such a fuss. The fish filets were sat down as Monty eased out onto the porch. His head had raised to look over the guard rails, headed to find the upset squirrel before his eyes had stopped midway.

And that's when he saw it.

Another pair of eyes glanced up to meet his own, a pair of green ones. Ones that belonged to another alligator. Monty stalled before his voice had finally came forward. "HEY!"

The green-eyed alligator was by your pond, and Monty could only assume he was making an attempt to snag a few of your koi fish. The other male had hissed back and then aggressively snapped his jaws- And that sent Monty hauling himself down the stairs towards the opposing male, all of the ruckus causing the squirrel to retreat back into its hole. The two squared off, rivaling one another with a low hiss. Monty didn't realize how big this guy was from the porch. The trespasser was at least a foot or two shorter than he himself was, but this reptile had more weight. A little too much if you asked him. The opposer had noticed the black object around Montys neck, and then paused. He started laughing after realizing that the object was a collar.

Hunted: A Monty and Y/N FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now