The Definition of 'Bull Gator'

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A pancake was flipped on a pan. The uncooked side of it sizzled as it baked. The breakfast item had bacon in it, along with some catfish. Not for you of course. After a few more minutes the pancake was took from the pan and then placed onto a plate, where two more of the same sat. A small serving of eggs and apple slices accompanied the hotcakes as you poured some syrup onto it. After topping the plate with a dab of butter and whipped cream, you brought the breakfast platter over to the table. Monty sat in the seat. His head was propped up by one of his clawed hands, his facial expression showing little emotion. He'd been like this ever since last night. The alligator showed no interest when the plate of pancakes were placed in front of him. Not even a curious sniff like he'd usually do was given to the hotcakes. You sat down with a plate of your own- Minus the meat. You took a bite. "I put catfish in them this time. I figured you'd like that." Your soft voice didn't receive a word. The alligator gave a light sigh. You frowned. "Monty, you need to eat something, bud. It isn't like you to skip a meal." He didn't answer. You reached across the table and picked up his fork. You held it out to him. "Monty..." The alligator spared you an uninterested look and then took the fork in his free hand. You watched him cut the pancakes, being relieved when he finally decided to eat them. His movements were lazy. He wasn't interested in the food. You showed a small smile to him. "Thank you. I don't want you going hungry, bud."

After breakfast you washed the dishes. Monty didn't eat all of his food, but you were content with the small amount that he had eaten. It was better than nothing.

The alligator laid on the couch. The golfing show that was playing was unwatched. Montys half lidded gaze was staring into nowhere, his ears tuning out the sounds of the tv. All he could remember was last night. The four of you were having such a good time, that was until he showed up... Monty grizzled after remembering the mans face... The face of Ryan... The guy hadn't changed one bit from the last time he'd seen him years ago. He was still threatening and mean. Abusive... And Monty couldn't even find the courage to stand up to him, even though he was twice the mans size now. Monty shifted his head to lay atop the arm rest. His tail hung over the other side where it dragged against the floor. He let out a heavy sigh and closed his eyes. He was hurting. ...Angry...

That slow rush of air had caught your attention. You peeked from the kitchen to glance over at the alligator. The back of the couch was blocking most of him, but you could see the tip of his snout and most of his tail from the edges. You knew the poor guy was upset. The pan you were washing was placed on it's hanger and then you made your way into the living room. The golfing show caught your eye for a moment before you disregarded it. It wasn't being watched anyway. You walked around the couch and glanced down at the alligator. His expression showed anger, but you knew there was hurt lying at the core of it. "...Monty?" The soft tone wasn't given anything but a light exhale from the reptile. You frowned. Your hand lowered to brush over his mohawk, but Monty had huffed and pulled his head away. The alligator stood from the couch and made his way out onto the porch, not sparing you a glance as he did. The sound of his claws scrapping the wooden deck suggested that he had laid down to bask in the sun. It was probably best to just let him have his space. The alligator never gave you the silent treatment, but in rare cases like this you just left him alone. He was still stirred from last night. A few moments later you had seen him ease out to the pond. That was the cue that he did want to be left alone. You took the newly solitary morning to clean up around the house. Laundry was the first to be attended to.


A rock was tossed into the water- Thrown. Another one soon followed and it skipped across the water. Monty reached down to pick up another rock. He clenched it in his hand and then hurled it far over the pond with a strained growl. The rock flew off into the sky and disappeared over the treetops. The sound of it landing never came. It was too far away to be heard. Monty stared off into the woodline for a moment before giving a heavy sigh. His hand slowly came to comb through his mohawk. It was messy and strayed. A visual representation of his current emotions. The alligator took a seat on the grass and exhaled again. For the life of him, he couldn't let go of those ugly words from the other night. It was like a soda bottle that had been shook up with the lid still screwed onto it. Pressure. The kind that weighed on someone like a ton of bricks. The kind someone knew they couldn't change. Montys brows furrowed over his eyes as Ryan's words pounded into his conscious. They hurt like daggers, and so did every memory of the abusive man. Monty didn't even want to look at his own reflection after all that was said. You say one thing- Good things- But Ryan had said different. The reptile was swayed between the two. But what made Monty fall to the latter opinion was the fact that he couldn't muster the strength to stand up to Ryan... Easily, the alligator could've stood his ground, showed what he was made of. But that courage he carried disappeared at a single glare from the man. Monty had even obeyed him... The still water of the pond had been shattered as heavy claws sliced through the steady surface. A wave of water came splashing across the alligators scarred hide as he angrily watched the water ripple and then steady again. His reflection showed every bit of a thirteen-plus foot American Alligator: Teeth, claws, leathery skin... A stone cold glare... The collar... He went still for a moment as he eyed the item. His angry expression changed just the slightest to a hurt one. His wet hand had slowly rose to grasp the silver name tag and charm, two items you said looked so bold and brash on him. Words of encouragement. They were needed, and he never realized how much they were. And he still didn't.

Hunted: A Monty and Y/N FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now