"He's Not For Sale."

395 14 7

After the incident with the bear, all three of you had just decided to pack up and go home. Jeremy got a refund for the last day. Monty wanted to stay, but you promised you'd take him somewhere else. In his unhappy, grumpy words: "Hmp! If that bear came back, I coulda took care o' it... Ain' no need in leavin'..." The alligator had been in a bad mood ever since. He was having fun at the lake- Bear or no bear. Vanessa had rode back with Jeremy which left you and Monty alone. The truck jolted as the camper was hitched to it. You grumped a huff and peered back at Monty, who was the one who had hitched the camper. You rose a brow. "You don't have to be so upset. It wasn't the camper or the trucks fault." Your hand patted the door lovingly, causing Monty to glance over to you. He rolled his eyes and then climbed into the tailbed. You'd seen him cross his arms with another huff- And out of the cab you stepped. You came to a stop at the back tire and sighed. "Monty, look, I'm sorry we're leaving early, ok? No one expected a bear attack last night." The alligator exhaled at your calm voice. He turned to you and pulled up his shades. "Ya know we never get ta come out ta Flintwater." He turned to lean back against the toolbox, his demeanor changing just the slightest. "This place don' care 'bout a gator bein' 'round, but back home... Most folks think I'm gonna drag 'em under. It's jus' nice bein' where I ain' seen like that bear..." His tone lowered and he looked away. The alligator always had an issue when a public lake was involved. No matter how known he was around town, someone would end up either calling animal control or attempted to deal with the 'situation' themselves- And Monty was not the one to back out of a brawl... The poor guy just wanted to be what he was. An alligator. You tapped the trucks siding, your mind skimming to find some kind of soothing words for him. "I know, bud... I'm sorry the whole trip was a bust, but I promise, I'll make it up to you, alright?" You spoke. Monty turned to you and sighed. His angry expression had faded to a small frown. He didn't want to be upset. Some things just couldn't be helped, and the camping trip being ruined was one of them. "Fine... Any ideas then?"

You had a few, actually...


After stopping for some lunch at a Walmart, the two of you headed home. Another short debut was made at a convenient spot not far from your house. You knew the man who owned the small store as well.

"Hmm, this one looks good on you, Monty. And it matches your color, too." Your hands buckled the steel strap and then moved to tap at the collars buckle. Monty moved his head around uncomfortably, a slight groan leaving his mouth. "Yeah, well... Tha texture's kinda... stiff... An', tha purple stands outta bit..." Even if his favorite color was purple, he'd rather do without the plastic-y collar. You hummed thoughtfully and then removed the rather hard piece of material from the alligators neck. You placed the item back on the shelf and grabbed another. This one was black with a silver lightning bolt charm on the D-Ring. It had small silver studs along it's siding, and the material was leather- Cow leather, that is. Monty lowered his head enough so you could place the item on him and buckle it. You smiled once again as he pulled his head up. "Wow, I think this one really brings out your color. It is black after all. The little lightning bolt adds some taste. And-" You smirked and cocked a brow. "Studs for a stud, eh?~" Came your compliment. Monty was all too busy with 'testing' this one out. He'd heard the last part though and paused. "...Stud...?" "Well, yeah- Biggest male alligator that I know of around here. You'd be the talk of the swamp wearing that snazzy thing." You winked. Monty flustered and cleared his throat. Was the collar getting a bit too tight already? "Oh... Right..." After a few moments of moving his head around, even doing a full body circle, he couldn't seem to find any complaints on the collar. It was soft compared to the last few you'd gotten him to try on. "Yeah... I reckon this'n will hafta do. I'd still rather have my ol' one." He said, trying to eye the small silver charm at the collars buckle. His broad snout stood in the way. You reached up to take the collars tag off. "I know, Mont'. But it doesn't fit you any more." You'd cut a small laugh and gestured to the alligators size. "I'm hoping this one will last longer than the other one- These collars aren't cheap!"

Hunted: A Monty and Y/N FanfictionWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt