'Old Friend'

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"Ok, I'm gonna do it this time. I'm done with guys treating me like trash. I'm gonna be the law around here!"

Jeremy watched blankly from a chair as Vanessa paced around the office. Her eyes were still red and watery from a day ago where she had went through a pepper spray test. Unfortunately... It had put her in a mood. She was coaching herself, a piece of unsigned paper in one hand, and a pen in the other. She suddenly came to a stop and threw an aggressive look over to Jeremy. The man almost flinched at it. Vanessa huffed, the two items in her hands being held up roughly. "Do you think I can do this or not, Jeremy?!" She yelled. Jeremy threw his hands up defensively. "Hey, why are you yelling at me? If you wanna be a game warden, then just sign the paper already!" He retorted. Vanessa gave a loud groan and then finally placed the paper down onto the desk. "You're right- I'm signing this stupid thing..." She hastily scribbled her name onto the dotted line and then tossed the pen. She headed back into the court room. The moment the door shut, Jeremy breathed a heavy sigh of relief. The two had been in the small office for hours, waiting for Vanessa to make up her mind. After a guy had wolf-whistled at her during a jog earlier that morning, she had finally snapped and decided to join Jeremy and become a game warden. Now any guy that blew a kiss or passed a remark to her could get ran down with a big, scary, brand new Dodge Ram- According to her, anyway. The patrol truck was a plus, especially since her car kept breaking down.

You and Monty sat out in the Law School parking lot. The truck windows were rolled down and the two of you were singing along to the music that played on the radio. All of them were old classics. A song by Creedence Clearwater Revival was playing: 'Have You Ever Seen The Rain'. Monty knew the song word for word and was singing it with you. The alligator cocked his shades down to sing a verse, his gesture cutting you off as he sung the opening verses with every bit of himself as he could.

"Someone told me long ago,
there's a calm before tha storm-
I know!~
It's been comin' fer some time.~"

He pushed his shades back into place with a smile as he continued singing.

"When it's over, so they say,
it'll rain a sunny day-
I know!
Shinin' down like water.~"

He closed his eyes, almost growling the next line. The heart he sung it with had caught you by surprised, the alligators heavy southern drawl only adding to the unique twist he gave the song.

"I wanna know.
Have ya eveeer seeen tha raaain?~"

You joined in on the next verse.

"Comin' down, on a sunny day."

The music had faded as you and Monty laughed. The song was somewhat melancholy, but that didn't stop the two of you from singing it. Monty pulled his shades up when he heard a door open. Vanessa and Jeremy had finally returned from the Law School building. Vanessa gave a big smile as she held up a stamped piece of paper. She showed it to you after approaching the truck. "Check it out- Game warden certified!" The radio was shut off as you smiled. "That's great, Vanessa! I knew you could do it!" Monty gave her a high-five to congratulate her, giving another to Jeremy just because. The two climbed into the truck as you buckled your seat belt. Monty hopped into the tailbed. Jeremy nodded with agreement. "And best of all? We're both gonna be put on the same patrol." He added with a big grin. You congratulated both of them and then reversed out of the parking lot. "Say, why don't we find a spot to eat? To throw a little celebration? I'll pay." You offered. Vanessa folded the piece of paper up and stuck it in her pocket. "Sure. I'm not really craving a buffet or anything though." She replied. Jeremy spoke up. "Yeah, me either... Hey, I think there was a big gas station a ways back- It looked like it had some kinda restaurant attached to it. What about there?" "Jeremy, that was a truck stop, and it was almost two hours away." Vanessa drawled. Jeremy crossed his arms. "Well, I don't see you coming up with any ideas. This towns worst than ours- There's not a single restaurant around for miles!" He retorted. Vanessa groused at his reply. "So? That place is probably filled with some grungy truckers, and I am not having some dirtbag try and get my number!" You blew a sigh as the arguing commenced, until finally you were able to shush them. "Guys, guys, it's not worth arguing over. But, Jeremy does have a point. I didn't see any other places to eat on the way up here, and that truck stop didn't look too crowded. I only seen a few rigs parked out back." A pause. "It'll probably be nighttime when we get there, so you shouldn't have to worry about any 'grungy truckers'." The pause was to input a humorous smirk. It definitely made the two pause. Vanessa thought for a moment before finally crossing her arms. "Fine. But only if you're paying." She spared a stiff look at Jeremy. It was all his idea...

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