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The early morning laid still and quiet.

For a moment you woke up, thinking you'd heard a noise. It was disregarded as you rolled onto your side, a short chuff coming from Monty as his head slid from your stomach to land on the puffy comforter. He let out a sigh as he fell back asleep.


There it was again... More silence, until the noise had came again.


Again. This time you got out of bed. The clock on the nightstand stated that it was 7:25 a.m. Someone was at the door. Monty lifted his head to gaze at you, his messy hair and squinted eyes still showing his evident sleepiness. The alligator wasn't much of a morning reptile- And the source of warmth he had was now gone. You stepped into your slippers. "Just someone at the door. Go back to bed, alright?" The alligator gave a yawn before lazily burying himself under the blankets. He went back to sleep. Walking out of the room, you gently shut the door behind yourself and then made your way downstairs.


A yawn and a stretch before you reached out to open the door, and the nob was turned before the 'someone' could knock again. The door opened. And as always, a kind smile was readied on your face to greet the person, but it fell just as quick as it appeared. The door stood opened as you furrowed at the man who had woke you so early. You gave a long, long sigh...

It was Troy.

Why this early in the morning? You hadn't even had coffee yet...

A disappointed look stretched across your face. "What do you want, Troy?" The bland tone received a smile- One you knew was more than likely feigned. He leaned up off your doorway. "Ain't much of a morning person?" He cocked. Your question wasn't answered. He glanced past you to look around, raising a brow after not seeing a certain someone. "Aaand I reckon your reptile ain't either, huh?" The question was paired with a teasing smirk. You frowned. "No, he isn't. Now go away." You pulled the door closed, only to have it bump against Troy's foot. Your gaze lowered to glare at the footwear, soon returning to the looming pair of blue eyes. You huffed an aggravated sigh. He was there for one reason, and one reason only. "I already told you- He isn't for sale. Now get off of my porch, Troy." The man only chuckled. "Hold up there, Debby Cake..." His hand reached into his back pocket to pull out something. A wallet. Your wallet. You did a double take and then growled. It took how many days for you to realize it was missing? You must've left it in the restaurant. Too much in a hurry to leave that night, you supposed... Your hand shot out to grab the item, but Troy pulled it away. "Uh-uh-uh, not so fast. I wanna talk with you for a bit." Without another second to object, Troy stepped into the house and shut the door behind himself. "Now, why don't we grab some coffee?"

The two of you sat at the kitchen table. Troy sipped his cup of coffee while yours sat still on the tabletop. "What do you want?" Came the question from before. Although the answer wasn't a far cry. The man showed a smile, that same irritating smile that he always did. He sat his cup down and then leaned to prop a leg over his knee. "Oh, not much. Just wanted to negotiate something..." The man spared another glance around, being sure that Monty wasn't present. Even if he was, the conversation wasn't going to be put off. He lazily stirred more creamer into his coffee. "Ya know,... Not many folks would turn down two grand..." The spoon was at aside. "You must have some kinda bond with that gator to turn an offer like that down. What's so special about him, Y/N." He took a drink, awaiting an answer. Your lips were wetted as you finally took a sip of your coffee. "To answer your question, yes- I do have a bond with him. And to answer the other, there's a lot that I find unique about him. I don't see him as just some alligator. And I suppose I could ask you that same question." Troy chuckled and relaxed into his chair. He wiped some stray coffee from his stubble. "Hah... Reckon you could. I find him very special. All my life of being in the Deep South, I ain't seen one single gator the size he is." Troy looked away to lazily study his cup as he rotated and turned it on the table... A way to hide the lie he was about to say... But you never picked up on it. He was hiding some delusional intent that was oblivious to you. "You can make a living off of that gator. Why, I bet people would come from miles around just to see him. And that stripe of crimson running along his plate- That mohawk? You could make a killing off of him."

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2023 ⏰

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