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The front door opened. You stumbled into the small A-Frame house with an armload of groceries. Monty came trudging in behind you, his arms also full of bags. It was a good thing you didn't stay too long at the gas station. The trip to and back from Walmart was long enough. The bagged items were placed on the counter with a relieved sigh. "Phew! Glad we got those errands over with, eh, bud? I'm beat!" You laughed. Monty gave a big, toothy smile after noticing how exhausted you were from carrying your load of groceries. "E-yep! But if only ya had my muscles, ya'd have a bit more energy~" Monty teased as he sat his load of items with the others. A sarcastic smirk covered your face as you laughed. "Oh, really? Well, my apologies for not being a thirteen-foot American Alligator." You joked. Monty made a false pouty face at you and then assisted with putting up all the groceries- Mainly to see what all you'd gotten for this week. He was too busy snooping around the pet isle whenever you'd went to Walmart. The reptile had ended up talking you into buying him a 'chew toy': One of those tough, unchewable squeaky toys for the big breeds of dogs. You doubted it would last very long with him though. Monty placed a box of macaroni in the cabinet and then let out a playful scoff- Having remembered the man from earlier. "Ha! Can ya believe that guy? 'Are ya interested in sellin' him?' Whadda dip-stick!" Monty turned to playfully gesture at himself. "I'm who knows how many pounds o' bone, muscle, an' teeth- An' he want'd ta buy me? Haha!" You smiled and placed some milk in the fridge. "Yep, Monty, you are right about that. I don't think that poor guy knew what he was trying to get himself into with that offer. It's not an easy task having you walking around the house!"

"Oh, yeah- I'm a hassle!"

With the groceries put up, you started making dinner. Monty fiddled with his new collar as he watched you cook, awaiting a bowl of your 'famous' vegetable soup. It was famous to him anyway. You added some venison to his to keep a 'natural diet check'- Even if vegetables weren't on an alligators menu. But Monty never seemed to mind. He wasn't picky by no means. You grabbed two bowls from the cabinet and poured the warm soup into both of them, Montys bowl obviously being bigger because, well... Reasons. You sat down after giving the reptile his share and then began eating.

The thought of Troy crossed your mind and it made you ponder his words.

You wondered why he even wanted to buy Montgomery. No one had ever asked you such a question- Let alone would even think about owning such a reptilian. It was clearly his only interest when he'd talked with you, and just his tone alone made you uneasy about the whole situation. The guy looked a bit rough, and you wouldn't allow your mind to ponder on just what a man like him would even want with an alligator. Him offering two thousand dollars on the spot was a whole red flag in its own category. You took a bite of your soup. Monty sat opposite from you. As usual, the mohawked-reptile decided to ditch the spoon and just slurped the soup straight from the bowl. Somehow, and thankfully, he wasn't making a mess. You watched with amusement as the alligator finished his soup and pulled his bowl down. With your mouth full, you forced back a laugh at the hopeful look that he was giving you from his seat. Monty held the bowl out towards you, and you already knew what he was going to ask.


After dinner, and a certain someones fourth bowl of soup, you cleaned the kitchen. Monty walked out to bask in the afternoon sun before it completely went down. You grabbed the soup pot and placed it into the sink with the two bowls and silverware. The sight of the empty pot made you smile amusingly. "Well, no need to worry about food wasting with an alligator around." Your humorous gaze peered out the opened front door and over to the reptile who laid sprawled out on the front porchs' deck. Monty was never shy about finishing up the leftovers from any meal. You took some time to scrub the few dishes clean and then placed them in the cupboard after drying them off. Even though it was late in the afternoon, you grabbed a cup of coffee and settled down on the couch to read the newspaper from this morning. You'd gotten too busy to read this weeks'. It stated random stuff about the county school, the kids softball team, the Boy Scouts going to the mountains for their first trip, just a random list of things that you read. The farm article caught your eye and you'd noticed that it had animals listed for sale, chickens in particular. You grinned awkwardly. "Huh... Chickens..." A short memory played in your head from a few years back: You'd let your chickens out while you were cleaning their coop, only to be disrupted by the sound of an angry rooster chasing a certain someone away from his hens. How a one-foot tall chicken ran a thirteen-foot alligator into the pond was beyond you, but Monty wasn't too amused to see you rolling on the ground laughing. Although sadly you had to rehome your chickens due to repeated raccoon and possum break-ins, you enjoyed having them while you did. Instead you settled for koi fish to put in your pond. Which... You sometimes got a close view of just how big the fish could get whenever Monty brings you one clamped between his jaws- Even though he knew better... Nonetheless the thought put a smirk to your lips as you continued to read through the newspaper.

Hunted: A Monty and Y/N FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now