Sound of love

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Author's Pov:

After some time he realised he was smiling, he quickly stopped. He didn't realise that Lan Xichen was staring at him the other (Lxc) even felt disappointed that Jiang Cheng stopped smiling. Then Lan Xichen said "Sect leader Jiang, please come this was" breaking that silence. Jiang Cheng didn't say anything he just nodded and followed him. While walking Jiang Cheng again felt that fragile Aura. A type of aura he never felt before emitting from Lan Xichen. It was the same Aura his sister used to give even if his sister wasn't strong like the other women cultivators she could still hold and use a sword well enough to protect herself but she still gave off a innocent and fragile aura that made wei wuxian and jiang cheng protect her. But this time he didn't feel the need to protect Sect leader Lan he felt something different it was like he was Yearning for this feeling. A feeling that made him feel safe and assured but he quickly pushed this feeling down. When they almost reached the meeting room he saw a person he hoped and begged not to see. It was Wei Wuxian calling his name while Lan Wangji is slowly following behind him.

"Jiang Cheng" Wei Wuxian called out. Jiang Cheng just ignored him and kept going when Lan Xichen said "Sect Leader Jiang, we still have some time before the meeting so you should try to talk to him" understanding the broken relationship between them. At first Jiang Cheng didn't even wanna see Wei Wuxian's face but when Lan Xichen said to talk to to Wei Wuxian he quickly turned around and said "What?!" While Zidian was emitting purple sparks. On the other hand Lan Xichen almost smiled seeing Jiang Cheng's Submissive behaviour while being in a daze he noticed zidian sparking so he subconsciously put his hand on top of Jaing Cheng's hand while he was "talking" with Wei Wuxian.

Jiang Cheng's Pov:

While Wei Wuxian was speaking about his and Lan Wangji's Love Life with way too many detail i felt a vein pop on my head. I was about to whip him when suddenly I felt a hand or Lan Xichen's hand on top of mine. When i felt the warmth from his hand my face face flushed red but i kept my composer and it puzzled me how i instantly calmed down when I felt his hand,his warmth it felt like i was always Yearning for this. Before i could finish my thoughs Wei Wuxian of course had to notice Lan Xichen put his hand on mine and how i flushed red he then smirked and said "Maybe you should be the one talking about your love life instead" while running away. I quickly ran after him but without zidian. After chasing him and hitting his head i went back to Lan Xichen and said "why dont we keep going, Sect leader Lan".

Author's Pov:

Lan Xichen said "Of course" then they started walking. While walking Jiang Cheng kept thinking about how he (Lxc) put his hand on top of his. Then suddenly Lan Xichen heard a bell ringing. He looked around and came to the conclusion that it was Jiang Cheng's silver bell which was ringing. He (Lxc) studied the ringing and it sounded erotic and out of place. This made Lan Xichen curious cause they walked past many people but none of them heard the ringing. Especially the lan elders and disciples because they were trained to make their ears sensitive cause music was a part of their cultivation, so he asked Jiang Cheng "Excuse me, Sect leader Jiang do you mind if I ask a question" Jiang Cheng of course said "of course, Sect leader Lan no need to ask permission from me" with a surprisingly soft tone. So he (lxc) asked "what is the meaning behind the silver bell of the Yummeng Jiang Sect?". Jiang Cheng answered very calmly "this silver bells are given to every disciple of the Yummeng Jiang Sect" He continued while picking up the silver bell and showing Lan Xichen "There are 8 cultivation levels for the disciple to learn when they first get this bell it has 1 lotus petal when they develop and improve their cultivation level another petal is added The only person who has a 9 petalled lotus silver is the clan leader himself" Lan xichen was interested in this new knowledge and looked at Jiang Cheng's silver bell which has 9 petals Jiang Cheng also added "Everyone who has this silver bell have their name carved inside of it also this bell is made out of spiritual power which helps the master calm down and know about their surroundings when the master is overly worried,sad,angry,happy the bell always rings a different tune which we learn how to control from the first day we become a disciple of Jiang Sect" he said finally finishing and they reached the meeting room they saw only a few people were there so Lan Xichen sat down near Jiang Cheng and asked "Is that all?" While being curious. Jiang Cheng said "oh and there is a hidden meaning the not meny people know of, which is the person who falls inlove with the owner of this silver bell then they can hear it ring. When the owner displays different emotions the bell also rings in different tunes so this bell is also a matchmaker helping the person who falls in love know of their lovers emotions". Lan Xichen froze and thought "Didn't i hear his bell ring?!". Lan Xichen forced a smile and said "thats very interesting, Sect Leader Jiang Thank you for telling me all this". But in his (Lxc) mind he was flustered,shocked and embarrassed at the same time.

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