time together

262 11 4

Author's Pov:

When Jiang Cheng and Lan Xichen reached the mansion it was already afternoon. They both had a lot of fun after a while. "Thank you for sending time with me, Wanyin" said Lan Xichen with his usual smile. Jiang Cheng replied with a "Your welcome" with his normal harsh tone. They both went to their rooms and freshened up. Lan Xichen was done first so he decided to go to Jiang Cheng's room. He knocked on the door and came a "who is it?" "Its me, wanyin." Jiang cheng knew immediately who it was after hearing his voice and that intimate call made it more obvious.

Jiang Cheng replied "come in." (ik what yall thinking!) When Lan Xichen entered the later's room he saw Jiang Cheng braiding his hair to put up in a bun. The orange hue from the setting sun coming from the window made half of him glow. His eyes shining a purple spark from the light while he had calm expression on his face. If Lan Xichen didn't know any better he would have thought Jiang Cheng was a female and the name Wanyin, yin from feminine and moon and cheng, chen from dawn, sun was the syllables behind his name.(yes yall i did hella research)

Lan Xichen closed the door and came closer to Jiang Cheng. He stood beside him while admiring him. Jiang Cheng felt Lan Xichen's stare but tried to ignore it "why would the high and mighty zewu-jun stare at a man especially a man like me" he thought. "Xichen-xiong please, sit down" he said while pointing towards his study table. (Idk what word to describe that) Lan Xichen listened and sat down on one of the two chairs.

Jiang Cheng finished making the bun and sat on the opposite side/chair of Lan Xichen. "Would you like some snacks or tea?" Asked Jiang Cheng. Lan Xichen smiled at the hospitality and replied "oh no no, i wouldn't wanna trouble wanyin more then i have already" said the older. "Oh what does Xichen-Xiong mean, he has caused me no trouble" said Jiang Cheng. They ended up having tea and chatting till the sun went down. Alas both of them had dinner and went to their rooms. But hours passed by, both of then getting no sleep. They both had the other occupying their mind and allowing no sleep to come.


So so so sorry for late update from now one updates will be more consistent. Tysm for 1k+ views!! And just pretend that Jiang Cheng called Zewu-Jun "Xichen-xiong" from the point where he was allowed to! Xiong meaning elder brother. Its less intimate then Gege and more respectful with the same meaning

(dw soon cheng-cheng will call him Gege more then once here)

Yearning for you ~Xicheng~ ON HOLDМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя