Growing Feelings (continue)

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Author's Pov:

Jiang Cheng and Lan Xichen continued walking, when they were about to reach Jiang Cheng's home they spotted a boy crying all alone while people were doing nothing and just walking by like nothing was wrong. Even though Jiang Cheng didn't show it but he was not some tyrannical sect leader he does love his people dearly and would put them before himself. Both rushed to the boy Jiang Cheng kneeled down in front of the boy he then puts his hand on the boy's cheek and gently wiping away the boy's tears. He asked with the most gentle and soft voice "Why are you crying?" Even Lan Xichen was shocked on how soft his tone was it was exactly the opposite of how he usually talks with others. The boy then stuttering said "i-i dont know w-where A-Die is" Jiang Cheng immediately caressed the boy's cheek and softly whispered "its ok, dont cry we will find him you just close your eyes, ok?" The boy replied with a nod. Both sect leaders asked numerous people if they knew the boy but all hopes crashed when everyone said no. Then suddenly the boy pointed out to a man and said "A-die". They both gave the child to the man and received a thank you from the father of the child.

The boy also smiled and said "thank you very much sect leader Jiang". The boy was so cute while saying that. Jiang Cheng laughed and said with a smile "no need to thank me". Lan Xichen's eyes widened when he heard Jiang Cheng laugh. His heart skipped a beat. Jiang Cheng looked so beautiful. All the wrinkles disappeared when his face softened. His eyes glimmering under the sunlight shining on his face. His hair was flowing ever so slightly in the wind. Lan Xichen would literally sell his sect to see and hear that laugh again. Jiang Cheng gave of an comforting aura. He was truly mesmerising. Lan Xichen laughed to himself thinking that he fell in love with Jiang Cheng all over again.

Yearning for you ~Xicheng~ ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now