Step one of courting

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Author's Pov:

The whole cultivation world waw in shock when sect leader Lan suddenly announced that he won't be in seclusion anymore. A lot of people were happy but the most happy person was Jiang Cheng. He could finally sigh in relief knowing he moved on from His death. To Jiang Cheng Jin Guangyao was the worst because of him he couldn't be by Lan Xichen's side and whenever he (lxc) did seek comfort from him he (jc) thought lan xichen just wanted a substitute for Jin Guangyao. In Jiang Cheng's mind he was nothing more then a substitute to Lan Xichen but now he knew things changed. He wanted to meet Lan Xichen but going to cloud recesses without any excuse seemed unlikely of him.

When Lan Xichen finally announced of the end of his seclusion he first quickly did all the sect work that were pilling up on his brother and then did the most unbelievable thing imagined. He went to Wei Wuxian and held his hand infront of Lan Wangji which made both of them shocked. Then lan xichen asked "could I please know some of Sect leader Jiang's hobbies and favourites?" Lan Wangji was shocked but Wei Wuxian just smirked and said "Its about time Jiang Cheng finally gets married" and told Lan Xichen every little things he knew about Jiang Cheng. After hearing all of this he made a plan to court Jiang Cheng and went to Lotus Peir.

Jiang Cheng wasn't informed of Lan Xichen's visit cause it is a surprise so jiang Cheng was spending his day as usual then suddenly a disciple knocked on his office door and said "Sect leader Jiang, sect leader Lan has come".  Jiang Cheng was really shocked he didn't expect lan Xichen to come here but then his hopes drop he thought "maybe he is here just for sect stuff" and he told the disciple "Let sect leader Lan sit and give him some tea while i come" the disciple saluted and left.

Lan Xichen was seated and given some tea while drinking it he heard a bell ring. He knew it was Jiang Cheng's but this time it sounded rushed and out of place like he was having anxiety. Lan Xichen laughed to himself thinking Jiang Cheng's panicking face when he (lx) came without a notice. While taking another sip of tea he heard someone greet him. He recognised that voice immediately and said "How have you been Sect leader Jiang?" Jiang Cheng replied "Nothing out of the ordinary just handling the sect and my nephew" while motioning the disciple to bring him tea. Jiang Cheng also added "Why have you come in lotus Peir so suddenly?" And Lan Xichen gave him a tender smile and said "Nothing usual i just wanted to meet you" He has such a innocent smile while saying the most unbelievable thing to Jiang Cheng that he (jc) almost spit his tea out of his mouth. Jiang Cheng said while trying to hide his blush "Oh-Uh-uhmm why did sect leader Lan want to meet me?" The other responded "Its nothing related to work i just wanted to treat Sect leader Jiang to some stuff as a thanks for all the things he has done for me." Jiang Cheng thought to himself "WTF DOES HE REALLY LIKE MAKING ME LOOK LIKE A MAIDEN. A MAIDEN GETTING ASKED OUT WITH A BAD ASS EXCUSE" while saying "oh-uh haha Sect leader Lan doesn't need to do that much" then Lan Xichen added "my treat this once". And how could Jiang Cheng Deny his "innocent" request so of course he agreed.

 And how could Jiang Cheng Deny his "innocent" request so of course he agreed

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Sorry for passing deadline i had a exam

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