Chapter 1

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Year 2008

Young Veronica was sitting on a huge couch located in a modern living room, like every day when she waits for her father until he returns from work. Her father works as an eminent scientist in a huge national company trying to rid the world of cancer. For her father, research is one of the most important things in the world, so he tried to implement it at home as well. First on mice, later on her own daughter, thanks to which she got the power of telekinesis and water control. Despite the attempts, she loved her father. The only thing that bothered her was that. that she could not, due to her abilities, go to school like normal children, but was homeschooled by her father. She slowly began to worry about him, because he still wasn't home, and it was almost six o'clock in the evening. The flow of thoughts was suddenly interrupted by a soft knock on the door. All excited, she ran to the door, but when she opened it, she found two policemen inside. A young woman and an elderly man. "Are you Veronica Eleonora Russo?" the man asked her and she nodded. "We are sorry, but your father died in a car accident", at these words the young girl almost passed out. "Do you have any relatives?" the young woman asked her in a kind and loving voice, and when Veronica nodded no, the woman sighed sadly. "I'm going to inform the social service, you help her with the packing", the man said to the woman in a low voice, and she nodded yes. The man went to the garden to talk on the phone, and the woman turned to the little girl with a sympathetic smile and took her hand. "Let's wrap up, darling," the woman gently said to Veronica and led her up the stairs to Veronica's room. After half an hour of packing a few pieces of clothing and toys, they went out into the street with a suitcase, where a policeman was already waiting for them with a young 30-year-old social worker who she turned to the little girl with a sympathetic smile and bent down to the child's height. "Are you ready to go to your new home, sweetheart?", she asked the child in a soft voice, who just nodded "yes" in shock and allowed herself to be led into the worker's car, which took her to the nearest orphanage.

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