Chapter 10

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Black Widow opened the door, and Veronica was looking at the room in wonder.

"Do you like it at least a little?" Black Widow asked her, and Veronika nodded with a stony face hiding her enthusiasm.

"I know it's not your style, but you can decorate it here as you wish, you can easily paint it here," said Black Widow Veronica, who sat down on the bed and calmly nodded.


"What will happen now?" Black widow Veronica asked.

"Now you can stay in your room. Maybe get some sleep, or just look around the room. And later we'll do simple tests like blood sampling, blood pressure measurement and so on," the Black Widow told her and Veronica nodded.

The black widow left, leaving Veronica alone in the room.

Veronica sat on the bed, horrified. and she was already thinking of an escape plan.

Unbeknownst to her, Veronica was still thinking about the plan when she heard a light knock on the door.

It was Bruce Banner.

"Hey sweetie, can you go somewhere with me for a while?", he asked her with a light and friendly smile.

Veronica nodded fearfully, and quietly followed him up the stairs to the laboratory.

"Please, sweetie, sit on the table and lift your sleeve," he told her with a calm smile.

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