Chapter 6

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She was so busy with her thoughts that she didn't hear the noise behind her.

"Hey kiddo," a male voice told her.

She turned to the direction of the voice to find the one and only Tony Stark and the rest of the Avengers.


As soon as she saw them, she understood that the stupid video was to blame for everything.

"You have to come with us, honey. It's up to you whether you go for good or evil," Black Widow told her.

Veronica began to run quickly and ran into the alley.

She tried to run as fast as possible to the end of the alley, and at the same time she tried to avoid the smelly containers. 

She hid behind one of the containers as she began the steps that belonged to the Avengers.

After a few minutes of peace, Veronica thought they were gone so she decided to go back to the orphanage, but as soon as she moved she was hit by a sleeping arrow. 

The last thing she felt was someone picking her up in his arms.

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