Chapter 4

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Veronica was sitting with Alicia in the school cafeteria, eating a salad and looking at her cell phone, when she suddenly dropped her fork and looked at her cell phone with a shocked look.

 "What happened?" Alicia asked her friend worriedly, looking at her. Veronica immediately grabbed Alicia's hand, dragged her to the gym, where no one was, and when they were there, she put the phone in her hand. 

"Oh my god," Alicia said as she watched the video. "What are we going to do, what are we going to do?" Veronica panicked. 

"Peace. You can't see yourself in that video. There is only a view of how the pool froze on which the thief then slipped," Alicia told her calmly. 

,,But what if someone figures it out. They will do experiments on me", Veronica told her back. 

,,Do not worry. Nothing will happen", Alicia assured her and hugged her.

At Shield headquarters

 In the office, they sat on the Avengers chairs and watched Fury pause the video.

 "Our best computer experts hacked into the cameras located on the street where the robbery took place and discovered that the water was frozen by art school student Veronica Russo," Fury told them, and clicked on another file with a photo and information about Veronica.

 "Your job is to find her, kidnap her and find out her powers so she can become a member of the Avengers" Fury told the Avengers who nodded and walked out of his office.

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