Chapter 9

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"We have been tasked with kidnapping you and turning you into a future Avenger," Black Widow told her.

"What? You can't do that! I have to go back home, and to school, and to my best friend and..." Veronica wanted to continue, but was stopped by Black Widow's hand, which grabbed her arm.

"We know, sweetheart, but there's nothing we can do about it now," Bruce Banner told her with a sigh.


"Do you want to see your new room, honey?" Black Widow gently asked Veronica, who nodded in shock at the new news.

The Black Widow grabbed her hand and dragged her down several corridors until they came to the wooden door.

Black Widow opened the door, and Veronica was looking at the room in wonder.

"Do you like it at least a little?" Black Widow asked her, and Veronika nodded with a stony face hiding her enthusiasm.

"I know it's not your style, but you can decorate it here as you wish, you can easily paint it here," said Black Widow Veronica, who sat down on the bed and calmly nodded.

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