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THEY HAD DALE'S FUNERAL in the Morning. Rick made a promise that they would all prove Dale wrong about the group being broken. Faye doesn't know if they'll be able to keep it, but she'll try her best. Dale was a great man, he didn't deserve to die like that. No one does. The group started taking extra safety precautions, doing everything they can to prevent another  death.

Rick and Hershel discuss their latest decision; moving everyone into the Greenes house. "It'll be tight, fourteen people in one house."

"Don't worry about that." Hershel insists. "With the swamp hardening, the creek drying up..."

From Faye's side, Maggie adds. "With 50 head of cattle on the property, we might as well be ringing a damn dinner bell."

"She's right." Hershel agrees with his daughter. "We should've moved you in a while ago."

Rick doesn't question the decision anymore, instead he turns to the rest of the group. "All right, let's move the vehicles near each of the doors facing out toward the road. We'll build a lookout in the windmill, another in the barn loft. That should give us sightlines both sides of the property."

Faye takes her backpack from the back of the truck and slings it over her shoulder, Carol stands next to her picking up her own bags. The silence is suffocating, they haven't spoken a word to each other since the barn. Carols hatred towards her daughter is painfully obvious, Faye can sense it every time she's around her.

"Can we talk?" Faye asks, turning her body to face her mother. "Please."

Carol doesn't even bat an eye, she picks up her bags and walks away. Faye clenches her jaw tightly, trying to hide her frustration with her mother.

"You lost a daughter, I get that." Faye says, forcing Carol to come to a stop. "But you have another one, I'm right here. I'm your daughter too. Why isn't that good enough?"

"You're not my daughter." Carol seethes, her back still facing Faye. "My daughter is dead."

Without another word, Carol walks away. Faye's shoulders drop at her mother's words, it feels like someone's just kicked her in the chest. Even though her mother has neglected her, Faye can't hate her. The little girl in her still needs her mom, and she doesn't want to lose the last bit of family she has left. Faye takes a deep breath, holding back her tears. She seems to be doing that a lot lately.


FAYE LETS OUT A SIGH, as she sits down on her sleeping bag, she decided to sit away from everyone else. Right now, she just wants to be alone. It's moments like this when she could really use one of Dales talks, he always knew what to say.

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