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Currently trixy was looking around for her friend while Tommy was helping tubbo tie his shoe, it wasn't long until you could hear trixy shout. "Phil! Over here!" She sorted while waving her hands in the air. Tommy looked up and saw a tall blonde come over to them with a smile, Tommy stood up and Phil saw him and gave a slightly bigger smile. 

"Hello! I'm guessing your the all famous Tommy trixy keeps talking about?" 

Tommy looked to trixy with a small smirk and then back to Phil, "yes I am, and you are?" Phil began to introduce himself and tubbo was staring is shock at the kid who was with Phil, "whoa your so tall!" He said looking up at the other brunette. "Mhm! The names Ranboo! And you are?" Tubbo happily answerd with his name. 

"Tubs you can go play now as long as your safe ok?" Tubbo looked back up to Tommy and nodded, "can ranboo come play with me?" Ranboo looked up at Phil and Phil nodded. The two then booked it to the play ground, 

Tommy Phil and trixy had began to talk as they all sat down on a bench watching as the two played, "danm I just realized how much you two look a like* trixy said looking at Phil and Tommy. They both gave her puzzled looks and she began to talk again, "I mean look Phil has blonde hair Tommy you have almost the exact same color hair, Phil has blue eyes Tommy has blue eyes" 

Tommy and Phil looked at each other, then looked at trixy. "I don't see it" the two said in unison as they looked away, Tommy giggled as tubbo looked dumbfounded when ranboo juked him while they were playing tag. "Who's ranboos mother?" Tommy asked looking to Phil,  Phil stayed silent for a minute before responding. 

"I don't  actually, my son found him and took him in.....he died about a month ago, so now me and my other son take care of him" 

There was a thick silence that hang over them, "I'm sorry" Tommy said finally breaking the silence. Phil gave a sad smile and replied, "no it's fine! We've learned to manage. Ranboo knows Techno is gone." Tommy felt bad and hugged Phil, Phil was suprised but hugged back. Trixy sat there all awkward between the hug. 

The two pulled away after a minute or two and began to watch the boys play, tubbo fell once but got up and ranboo ran straight into a metal pole to the playground. Phil and Tommy both went to them, ranboo didn't cry he just rubbed where he got hit then stood back up and continued to play with tubbo. 


Short chapter! Haha! More purpledinnit fluff  in the next chapter! 

Hope you enjoyed!

Have a good day/night!

Later gaymers! 

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