Chapter One: Returning Home

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Author's Note: Hey y'all! I am a HUGE Game of Thrones fan, and the release of HBO's House of the Dragon has me in a downward spirl back into my obsession with the world of Westeros. This story will be following in timeline order alongside the show, with the addition of an original character (Elaena Targaryen) thrown into the mix. Events will be in tune with the show's, but of course the addition of this character will certainly change things up! Happy Reading!

WARNING: Game of Thrones from start to finish has always been a show filled with mature adult themes. My story will naturally carry some of those themes, but I have given it a T Rating, since when I was first watching the show I was a teen as well. Should there be any triggering themes in a chapter, I will be sure to put a disclaimer of trigger warnings before each chapter. So please, read with caution and at your own discretion.



The carriage rocked back and forth, bumping around those inside as it made its way through the rocky streets of King's Landing. Elaena Targaryen slowly leaned forward, peering through the sheer curtains on the iron windows. The city was alive, breathing people in and out of the buildings as they all went about their days. Fishmongers cleaved the heads off their catches of the day, flinging the soon to be rotting flesh into bins. Women carried large pails of water or baskets full of clothing on top of their heads, their hands laced together with those of their children. Bakers stood watch over their goods with paranoid eyes and a staff in hand, ready to beat back anyone who might dare to steal from them. Everyone was so busy; a thousand tiny little gears spinning around in the great contraption that made up the whole city.

Elaena envied this business. She envied what it might be like to be a part of something where her presence was needed every day, where she might be useful for something other than sitting and stitching flowers onto doilies.

"Sit up Elaena." Lynara Stark instructed firmly. "You're going to end up with a crooked neck and a hunched back if you don't mind your posture."

Elaena remained silent as she sat up, but didn't take her eyes off of the city around them.

"And quit squinting at those people, you'll give yourself wrinkles."

"Can't you just leave me be?" Elaena asked bitterly, turning to face her step-mother.

Lynara let out a huff, looking away from her. "Gods be good, if I had spoken to my mother that way she would have had the Septa after me with her cane."

"You're not my mother," Elaena said, staring at her with fierce eyes.

Lynara sighed, and Elaena could feel her disdain and dissent seeping out from every inch of her being. The carriage came to slow stop, the bumpy ride officially over.

"Finally." Lynara exhaled, "I couldn't stand the smell of those streets. I'll need to bathe twice a day for a week to get rid of the stench."

Elaena was about to quip back with something smart, but decided she needed to give it a rest. She'd been on the King's Road fighting with her for three months now. She didn't want to fight anymore. Their guard, Ser Cley Karstark, rode up next to them and dismounted from his horse to open the carriage door. He first gave Lynara a hand to exit the carriage, then offered it to Elaena.

"Thank you, Ser Cley." Elaena smiled at him, then looked up at the gloriousness that was the Red Keep.

"Welcome home, Princess." he smiled.

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