Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Eye of the Storm

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Author's Note: Hey everyone, thank you all for continuing to read and keep up the with the story. 

I've been noticing a pretty quick decline of people interacting with and viewing this story, so is there anything that I'm doing that makes reading a bit less fun than it used to be? Is there anything you guys want to see more or less of in the stories? Please let me know because I write these chapters for all of you, not just myself. Writing this story has been so fun for me but I want to make sure that my viewers are enjoying it as much as I am. ❤️

With that said, I hope you all enjoy the final part to the tenth episode. It will be split back and forth between POVS of both Elaena and Rhaena. Much love to you all and happy reading~



Rhaena Targaryen

Rhaena looked to her left at Luke once they touched down in the Vale, both of them nervous despite knowing they shouldn't be. Whether it was nerves about the reception they would receive from Jeyne Arryn or the fact that this was the first time either of them were trusted with any adult matter such as this, they didn't know. After all, when it came to the task as a whole it was they who had been adamant about going, about taking more responsability for their family.

In the end Rhaena thought that they both likely just didn't want to let anyone down, they wanted to be able to return from their task without a single problem in their way and the news that all of the banners they were sent to call would return for Queen Rhaenyra.

After the cousins gave each other a small and encouraging smile, they dismounted from Arrax and Onyx, then walked to the edge of the Bloody Gate.

"I am Prince Lucerys Velaryon, and this is Princess Rhaena Targaryen," Luke started, looking to the guards who stood post at the edge of the long path towards the Eyrie. "We're here on behalf of Queen Rhaenyra to deliver a message to Lady Jeyne Arryn."

"At once, Your Graces," one of the guards nodded, turning to the side to lead them. Rhaena and Luke walked quickly behind him, both of them taking in the great castle with awe. Neither one of them had seen anything like it. The castle sat atop the sharp rock mountain, so tall that it seemed to touch the clouds.

Unlike her parents who had traveled all over Westeros and across the Narrow Sea in their youth, Rhaena had never been anywhere except for King's Landing, Dragonstone, and Driftmark. To see the country that she would one day inherit made the idea of her being Queen alongside Jace all the more real. As well as that, getting to see one of the great houses of Westeros made the war that they were now beginning feel more real as well somehow. It wasn't an idea of a threat looming above her and family anymore, it was a tangible danger they could all see and touch.

At the top of the gate they entered through the tall oak doors of the Eyrie, both of them slightly out of breath from the long trek uphill. As they were escorted into the throne room where Jeyne Arryn was waiting for them, Rhaena and Luke gave each other one last look of solidarity and courage.

Inside, the rest of the lords and ladies of the Vale stood in clusters watching their entrance, and sitting up at the top of another long flight of stairs was Jeyne Arryn in her throne. She seemed to be around the same age as their mother's, with dark brown hair and piercing blue eyes. Directly below her was the infamous moon door, wide open and revealing the deep plummet to the stony rocks of the mountain underneath them. Immediately upon approaching her both Rhaena and Luke knew she was a woman to be feared and respected.

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