Chapter Twenty-One: The Driftwood Throne

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Author's Note: Hey everyone! Sorry for the long wait! I'm not quite feeling my best yet so I'm not writing as fast as usual, and on top of that I wanted to be sure to give you a longer chapter this time. Episode eight was absolutely wild and filled with scenes I wanted to include in the chapters. This one covers from where we left off last time through the end of the scene in the throne room. all other scenes in the episode will be included in later chapters... as always, happy reading! I hope you all enjoy!



One Week Later

"Aegon jeldan se guēse ossēntan." Jace read aloud, translating the common tongue on the scroll before him into High Valyrian.

"Aegon jeldan se guēse ropatas," Aemon corrected, keeping his eyes on the book he was reading.

"That's what I said!" Jace said with exasperation, looking to him frustratedly.

"No." Aemon began, turning his page with a small smile. "You said that Aegon ordered the trees to be killed. He wanted them felled."

"Same difference," Jace scoffed, shaking his head as he looked back down.

"Pay him no mind, Jace," Rhaena laughed lightly, "None of us will ever be as smart as he is, and he just loves to remind us of that."

"Study is the same as combat." Aemon defended himself, finally closing his book to look up at them. "The more you do it the better you get."

"It doesn't matter how many hours I spend practicing arithmetic," Viseryn mumbled, "I'll never understand it, not in the slightest."

"While Aemon is right that everything requires practice," Elaena interjected, drawing all the eyes of the children onto her, "It's also true that everyone has their own talents and abilities. No one can be the best at everything."

"But your High Valyrian and skill with combat are both equally excellent, Aunt Elaena," Jace responded, seeming frustrated with himself. "Why aren't mine?"

"When I was your age speaking Valyrian and the art of needle-point were really the only things I was well versed in," Elaena smiled softly, walking to sit across from him and her daughter at the long table. "I could hardly lift a sword let alone actually use it. It took years of practice and dedication to get to where I am today."

"Your aunt is right, you have plenty of time in this world to become better at speaking Valyrian, Jace," Rhaenyra agreed. She then turned to Viseryn, a small smile on her lips, "And you, my nephew, have plenty of time to better yourself at arithmetic."

All of the children nodded, then returned to their independent studies. Elaena stood from her seat at the table and walked over to Aemon, who was sitting by the fire with his book. She knelt down next to him, speaking quietly so that the others wouldn't hear.

"Instead of jabbing at your siblings and cousins about being better than them, why don't you help them study? Jace could use the tutoring with Valyrian, and your own brother with numbers," Elaena whispered, placing her hand on his own.

"Why should I?" Aemon asked, his eyes revealing a bit of pain. "They all poke fun at my combat skills because of my hand-"

"And they also train with you everyday to help you get better," Elaena interrupted, raising her brows at him a little. She let out a small sigh of air as he looked away from her, continuing with her next point. "You're also the eldest of them all. It's your job to set an example for them. Don't you want to see them succeed? I know they want to see you succeed with your sword."

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