Chapter Fourteen: Dragonstone

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SURPRISE! Here I have for all of you is a bonus/filler chapter before the sixth episode airs tomorrow night! As you know we will be catapulted 10 years into the future, leaving a LOT of time unaccounted for. So the purpose of this chapter is to fill you in on Elaena's life in these years that we miss and connect it to what's to come in the future. I'd tell you what those things are but I should just let you find out yourself... As always I hope you enjoy & happy reading~

Disclaimer: Graphic Sexual Content



10 Years Later

Elaena walked calmly through the dimly lit halls of Dragonstone, the sound of her shoes echoing quietly around her. In the last ten years of life here with her family, she had grown unexpectedly accustomed to being away from the busy and chaotic life she once lived. She used to think that her life would only be worth living in the capital, being in the center of the world around her. But 10 years away from it all made her realize all she ever wanted was happiness for herself and those she loved.

She never thought the life she had now would be the one to bring her this happiness, but it did. She loved her husband, and she loved her children. They were enough to cure the sadness of the past in her heart. Even monotonous activities like the one she was doing now brought her joy. It was part of her nightly routine to round them all up for supper, and she knew that the boys would all be in the courtyard sparring.

Elaena walked up to the open air window and looked down at the muddied yard below, seeing her two sons and Daemon all practicing with their swords. She leaned onto the cold stone and watched for a moment, then looked up at the darkening sky. The sun had almost completely set under the sea's horizon.

"Alright, you three," Elaena called down, watching as they stopped to look up at her. "Time for supper now."

"But we're not finished!" Viseryn shouted, not wanting to stop. His older brother Aemon didn't want to continue though, already moving to take off his small breastplate and go inside.

"Fine, five more minutes," Elaena smiled, shaking her head.

"Ten?" Viseryn begged, looking up at her with wide eyes.

"You get five more or none at all, take it or leave it," Elaena raised her brows, turning her head ever so slightly to look at Daemon. He gave her a nod then turned to his sons.


"Listen to your mother, Viseryn, we'll have plenty more time tomorrow," Daemon said, patting his son's shoulders. "Three more minutes, let's go, both of you, get your breastplate back on Aemon-"

The two boys started sparring again with their blunt swords, mud from the ground underneath flying up at them as they stepped. Elaena and Daemon looked to each other with smiles in their eyes, unable to believe that this was their life together.

"I'm going to go round up the last little one," Elaena called down to him, resting her hand on the cold stone wall as she waited for his response.

"Alright, we'll see you inside."

Elaena looked at her sons once more before turning the corner, heading to her last child's nursery.

"Oh, Rhaena," Elaena sung through the halls, walking slowly towards her only daughter's room. Elaena could hear a quick giggle from across the hall, then called her name again. "Where's my Rhaena?"

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