Chapter 9: Delete Up! The Stag Beetle Hero!

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Hiromi: Hello everyone. After we see Daisuke & Hina talking to the S.H.I.E.L.D. and Tsukasa explains to the group. As Daisuke learns that he was framed by the Hina Fan club which makes me hate it. When we see Daisuke's backstory, Hina stands up to the club as Daisuke returns with his true looks, and now we learn the Villain has escaped. Now the Sinister Six has returned. Find out on next chapter.


At NYC Bank.

Showing the front bank explosion, showing the criminal going to the getaway car after stealing money from the bank. The Criminals laughing when they got moneys.

Criminal 1: Finally, we got the money!

Criminal 2: We're gonna be rich!

Criminal 3: Let's get out of here before those heroes showing up!

Criminal 4: Yeah!

Showing the criminal spot the police car arrived as the officer come out and they point their gun at the criminals.

Police: Freeze! You are under arrest!

Criminal 1: Crap! It's the police!

Criminal 2: I have an ideas!

Showing criminal 2 put the money bag down as he takes out the Rocket Launcher, making the police wide their eyes to see it.

Police: Holy shit!

Criminal 2:

Showing Criminal 2 fires the rocket at the cops but they dodge it before hitting one of the Police Cars, and the police cars explode. The cop wide his eyes.

Criminal 1: Nice one, man!

Criminal 2: Let's get out of here!

Criminal 3: Hit the gas before that bug come here!

Showing the criminals going inside the cars as they hit the gas, the car drive on the road. The police went inside their car and chase after the criminals.


Criminal 1: Shoot them!

Showing the police shoot at the criminal's cars as the criminal take out the machine gun and shoot at the police car as the police car dodge it.

Police 1: Pull over! You are under arrest!

Police 2: Surrender!

Criminal 1: Make me stupid pigs!

Showing the criminal drive the car as they finally got away, they heard a bike sound as they expecting Spider-Man.

Criminal 1: Oh crap! It's Spider-Man!

Criminal 2: Wait, why did Spider-Man driving motorbike instead of web swinging?

Criminal 3: No... This is weird.

Criminal 4: I think we should check it.

Showing they turn to see it wasn't Spider-Man but it was Kamen Rider Demons riding Demons Striker.

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