Chapter 5

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You know, I was having an amazing dream. That was until my sleep, that I need very much, was INTERRUPTED BY MY ALARM!! And I don't even have training today!! I thought I shut it off but I guess my tired ass brain just made me think I did.

I slam my hand on the alarm and I began to get up. I know that once I'm up I'll stay up. So it won't work trying to go back to sleep. I groan as I stretched. I laid there for a good minute before finally deciding to get up and eat.

I open my fridge door and was not surprised to absolutely nothing in there.

"Great. Just my day." I groan slamming the fridge door shut. I stomp my way back to my room getting dressed and then angrily stomping my way outside of my house, making sure to lock it. The sun Immediately shined on my face making me cringe.

"IT BURNS-" I hiss covering my eyes at the brightness of the outside world. I quickly escape the sun and began to make my way to the little store I always go to.

"Is there some weird tradition that people are doing or something...?" I ask myself looking at all the sleeping forms that laid all over the ground and all over the street. This is weird. Even for me.

I walk up to a random person and lightly kick them with my foot. Wow no reaction. I lifted their body up towards me shaking them.

"HELLO?! WAKE UP!!" I shout right into their ear. Again nothing. I shrug and dropped their unconscious body back on the ground as I made my way  into the store building. And surprise, surprise. There was people sleeping on the ground here too.

"Damn. And I thought I had insomnia." I muttered as I grabbed a basket and began grabbing food that I usually eat. Most them being microwaveable food since I can't cook for shit. And I grabbed a couple of energy drinks as well. Woo Heart failure!!

After finding all that I need I walked up to the cashier, who was also asleep. I contemplated if I should steal this or actually pay for it. Well the intrusive thoughts didn't win today because I ended up paying anyway.

I walk out of the store with my grocery bags and was about to make my way back to my apartment before dodging a grocery cart that held a sleeping pig.

"What the fuck." I say as I watch the pig continue to rush down the hill. Welp he's dead. Not my problem. With that I made my way up the hill. Once I made it to the top I was NOT happy. I stop walking and glare as I see the one and only Monkie Kid. Mk. Who seemed to be ready to take off on his motorcycle jet thing.

As if he felt my glare he turned around and gasped. He fell off his jet and came up to my face with relief.

"Oh my god another person who isn't asleep!! Even though you're a bad guy...I'm just glad I'm not alone!!" He cried

"Get the fuck out of my face." I seethe pushing his face out of mine. I don't have time for this. I'm already pissed off enough as it is

"Uh. Rude." Mk scoffed

"It's what happens when you have bad blood with someone." I roll my eyes

"I barley even know you!!" Mk said confusion written all over his face. I gritted my teeth and my fist clenched together, making my knuckles turn white.

'How could he not recognize the face he betrayed?!' I think to myself glaring daggers into his skull.

"Just fuck off." I mutter trying to move past him. He's not worth my time right now. He grabbed my shoulder making me react on instinct. I grabbed his hand twisting it backwards making him shout in pain.

"OW!! OW!! OW-"

"Do not. EVER. Touch me." I said shoving his hand away from me. Mk held it in pain giving me a tiny glare.

Caught in a Web (LMK Spider Henchmen x Gender Neutral Reader) *CONTINUING* Where stories live. Discover now