Chapter 21

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I felt my body enter the shadow realm, following Macaque went without a single problem! He didn't notice me, making it super easy for me to follow wherever he chose to appear.

One issue.

I didn't expect to be fucking flung straight into a wall as soon as I arrived to said place. So not only was I in more pain, but now I was revealed as I was no longer apart of the shadow realm.

"God- That hurt like a motherfucker..." I groaned feeling my body ache as I rubbed my shoulders, before seeing the staring eyes of everyone in the room.

Then I saw Macaque's frustrated ones.

"Kid- I told you too stay put! Are kidding me?!" Macaque hissed.

'Why the hell is he tied up...? He can just- I'm not even gonna ask...'

"Sorry not sorry! I'm not gonna be staying back until I know The Lady Bone Demon is done for." I stood up, stretching my back with a pop. Before feeling a crushing weight on me.

"OH MY GOD YOU'RE ALIVE!!" Mk cheered, grabbing me and shaking me around. This irritated my wounds greatly, and made me uncomfortable. Very. Uncomfortable.

"OFF!" I yell as I push him off me, dusting off the imaginary dirt from my shirt. I'm gonna need to bleach my skin now. That's when I noticed someone else in the room...someone not new, but not exactly friendly.

"Oh shit-" I back away from the Mayor, summoning a shadow weapon and pointing it at him, Demi had also notice my distress and appeared out threateningly, "What is this arm stealing bastard doing here?!"

"Nice to see you again~ How are you HANDleing things~" The Mayor snickered and laughed liked a maniac as I pointed the sharp weapon right at his throat.

"Better shut that mouth up before I cut your tongue out....I should seeing as I wanna get even with you." I glared, my metal arm twitching a bit.

"Better yet. Let me tear off his head...I'm sure he won't miss it..." Demi snarled as they showed off their sharp teeth.

"Wait- He's the guy who cut off your arm?!" Mk screeches, breaking the tension, and backing away from the Mayor, hiding behind Redson who scoffed.

"Kid. I know you want revenge. But right now...we need him. Put the weapon down." Macaque consoled, and I grit my teeth.

Ultimately, logic won over revenge. So I hesitantly made the shadows disappear and Demi snapped their jaws at the mayor one last time, before returning into my body.

"Fine. But just letting you know- as soon as this is over- I'm killing him." I vowed and Macaque sighed with a nod.

"And I thought I had anger issues..." Redson hummed out, and I snap my attention to him.

"Oh great. The son of the one and only DBK is here too? My day is getting better and better." I cross my arms as Redson's flamed hair grows with his annoyance.

"Like I wanted to be here! Monkey boy dragged me all the way here! Not to mention Dragon Horse girl will literally be forced to kill us all if we don't get her back!!" Redson sassed with a scoff

"Nice story. I don't think asked for it though." I yawned, bored as hell with all this nonsense, "So what's the plan? Assuming you've made one already."


"Figures- Ok what do we HAVE so far on how to stop the Lady Bone Demon? Anything? Anything at all?" I asked again with frustration.

"Well...uh...we're trying to ask Mr. Not Mayor but all he's told us is why The Lady Bone Demon doing this??" Sandy shrugged helplessly.

"Have you guys tried any torturing method yet?" I cross my arms, and everyone widen their eyes, "What? I'm just saying. If the fuck head won't answer to nice interrogation, then maybe he needs more of a interrogation on his level..."

Caught in a Web (LMK Spider Henchmen x Gender Neutral Reader) *CONTINUING* Where stories live. Discover now