Chapter 15

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Today Not like weird off but more like paranoid off...This morning Macaque came into my room giving me a hug, before disappearing for patrol. And that concerns me...Macaque was not much for physical touch, nor does he just hug people out of random. He told me to get out of the city soon.  But why...?

"Maybe he just wanted a hug?" Demi hummed from my shoulder and I glare at them.

"No, I know Macaque....he wouldn't just do that without reason." I sigh as I walk out of my room only to be met with screams.

"PUT IT OUT!! PUT IT OUT!!" The shouting voice of Huntsman was heard. I ran to the kitchen, where the noise was being made and almost wanted laugh at the sight. I took out my phone and pressed record, a sneaky grin stretching across my face.

"IM TRYING!! STOP MOVING!!" Goliath said with panic trying to stop the moving Huntsman.

"MY ASS IS ON FIRE, AND YOU WANT TO JUST STOP MOVING?!" Huntsman hissed. Finally, Syntax, who was laughing at Huntsman's demise, pulled out a fire extinguisher and put out the flaming spider.

Huntsman grumbled as he wiped off the white foam and glared at Syntax, who was still snickering to himself.

"You could have done that sooner you know?!" Huntsman yelled and Syntax just shrugged. Huntsman was about to tackle him but Goliath grabbed him, holding him back.

"You guys please!! This isn't our home, let's try not to burn it down..." Goliath sighed and the two immediately stopped trying to kill each other.

'They are idiots...' Demi grumbles in my head and  I snort. Stopping my recording, I decided to walk out surprising the three of them. They all immediately began to bow and apologize to me, seeing how messy the kitchen is.

"We're deeply sorry!!" Goliath said

"We had a little...accident is all..." Huntsman mumbled and Syntax looked at him.

"You mean YOU had a little accident?" He smirked and Huntsman growled.

"Guys, what have I said about the bowing? It's weird.  Get up." I groaned as I felt my cheeks heat up. It's so fucking embarrassing when they do that...

The three of them immediately stood back up and awkwardly stood there. That's before Goliath looked around noticing something.

"Where's Macaque...?" He asked and the other two realized that Macaque was gone as well.

"He's out for morning patrol. He usually likes to check his surroundings and see what people are up too. Popping in sometimes with his theatrics." I chuckle but that worry in my chest started blooming once more.

I need to distract myself...

I look around the kitchen. I know one thing that could help with that. It's gonna be difficult with one arm but hey, I'll take the challenge.

"Alright boys, let's get cleaning. This kitchen looks like my room. And that's not good." I say and they all groan, but nod nonetheless.

"Syntax you'll on be mopping duty, Huntsman you're gonna scrub off the grime from the oven, and Goliath you're gonna be the duster. And I'll do the dishes, because they haven't been in a while..." I distributed the jobs.

"Are you sure? Isn't gonna be hard because know?" Huntsman gestures to my missing arm. Demi crawled up my back and smirked.

"They won't be doing it alone...I'll be helping." Demi informed and I pat their head.

"Let's get cleaning!!" I say and I turn to the dishes. I would wash them off with the sink, Demi helping by squirting soap on them. And then Demi would take them to dry them and placing them in the cub boards. 

Caught in a Web (LMK Spider Henchmen x Gender Neutral Reader) *CONTINUING* Where stories live. Discover now