Chapter 20

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'So this is what it's like to be dead huh?'
'I'd thought it be nicer than not gonna lie.'

'Where's the fire?? The torture?? Surely I didn't go to the celestial heavens. I was expecting hell. Not- whatever this dark abyss is.'

"You're not dead Y/n"

Demi's dark form came into sight and I lifted myself up, feeling the numbness in my body leave as all my limbs started working again.

"Ok so...what's happening then? I don't have all day to lay here ya know? I gotta kick Macaque's ass for almost killing me." I hummed out with a echo.

"Impatient as ever." Demi scoffed, "Take a second...We are healing."

"Healing schmealing! I can do that later- OW MY HEAD-"

I crumpled back to the floor the moment I tried to stand up, my head bursting like a fire cracker of pain. It was like my skull was being pounded by a hammer.

"I told you to take it easy." Demi sassed and I just give them a nice old flip of the finger, "Real mature..."

"Ok doctor Demi. Where are we, and what happened?" I sighed as I laid on the floor, trying to calm my raging headache.

"Well...You know the girl? Mei? She was the last ring...and..."

"And??" I rose an eyebrow as Demi sat down next to me.

"She might not just be the ring- But entirely made up of the Samadhi fire, almost burned everyone to death- and then flew away..." Demi explained

"...Just flew away?? ARE SERIOUS?! She's the ONE thing that can stop the Lady Bone Demon and she LEFT?! YOU KNOW HOW DANGEROUS THAT CAN BE WITH HER ON THE LOOSE AND BEING UNSTABLE?!" I scream, shaking Demi's shadowy shoulders before wincing at my own voice.

"I'm fully aware." Demi huffed, pushing me away to calm me down. After a moment, I looked back at them.

"Ok so- How'd you know all that? We already passed out by then."

"Your mind may of shut off, but I was still very much awake. I saw what went down. Blurry, but still manageable to see." Demi shrugged.

"Oh that makes....WAIT- What about the spiders?! Goliath, Syntax a-and Huntsman?! Are they ok?! They escaped right?!" I panicked, gripping Demi's shoulders again in fear for the spider demons lives.

"...I do not know. The last thing I saw and even heard was disappearing through another one's shadows. I heard their voices calling out, but couldn't see them as we were dragged away..."

I let go of Demi and hold my arms tightly, my anxiety spiking up to a dangerous amount as the familiar tighten in my chest bloomed. A part of me wanted to brush it off and try to assume that the spiders were ok. The other half wanted me to absolutely lose my shit

'Since when did I care so much??'

"Demi...We need to wake up now..." I spoke assertively, standing up with a wince. But a headache is the least of my problems.

"Y/n- You may not be feeling the injuries as bad as you are now- But the second you wake up, trust me, it'll be agony on your body. That's why you need to be in a coma until-"

"We don't have time Demi! Please!"

Now that was a first.

For both Demi and Y/n.

Caught in a Web (LMK Spider Henchmen x Gender Neutral Reader) *CONTINUING* Where stories live. Discover now