~Goliath Ending~

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'I hate this stupid job...Oh hey Y/n you helped save the world but who gives a shit?! We're gonna work you overtime! No time for you to heal! Such bullshit...' I grumble to myself as I hit my head on the cash register. Not like it mattered. No one was here but we were still opened!!

"Why don't we just..you know...leave?" Demi scowled, annoyed by all the complaining I've been doing.

"Because I'll get in trouble and I want money." I respond monotonously, before continuing to hit my head into the register.

"Not gonna get money if you give yourself a concussion dumbass." Demi remarked and I just sent them a finger, ignoring their oh so lovely concerns.

"Maybe it'll get me through the night faster..." I sighed, throwing my head back in Boredom. Well, until I heard the store's door open with a  irritating jingle. Demi slipped away swiftly so they couldn't be seen.

I could feel my body physically twitch and irk the moment that stupid ass jingle was heard.

'Welp...time to fake it like I mean it.'

"Hello! Welcome to the Cafe! How may I assist you tonight?" I asked in a overly, false cheerful tone. But my act dropped as soon as I looked up to meet they shy eyes of Goliath.

"Oh! Gal! It's just you. Thank god...I CAN NOT handle another customer tonight before passing out of exhaustion...." I sighed in relief before smiling up at the buff spider, "So, you actually getting something or...?"

"No...No I came here to...see you." Goliath twiddled with his thumbs a bit, avoiding eye contact.

"Huh really? Well what could you need from? We practically live together now with the other two spiders....and Macaque." I ask as I lean over the counter to get more comfortable.

Standing up straight all the time can be a pain in the ass.

"I wanted to know if you...wanted to hang out with me?" Goliath asked hopefully.

"You mean like- Right now right now or tomorrow?" I furrow my brows and cross my arms.

"Well I was hoping right now would work...I have something set up already...But if you can't- That's totally fine!" Goliath stammered and I couldn't help but chuckle at how flustered he is.

"Well...I shouldn't leave my workplace...but...If you have something set up, then I can leave a few minutes early." I smirked as I take off my apron and place it where it needs to be, walking out the door with Goliath and closing up the doors.

'Thought you said you wanted money?' Demi reminded and I just hum.

'Yeah well. Goliath is more important than that. Bedsides, it's almost time to close anyways.' I grab onto Goliath's bicep, Which by the way, I never noticed how fucking tough they were like Jesus- what does this guy eat in a day?? He could probably choke me out with those things. Or just snap my neck.

"Alright big guy. Im all yours for the rest of the night, lead the way." I grin and Goliath smiled back with a twinkle in his eyes.

"R-right of course! This way." Goliath led me through the streets and it was quite calming actually. Not much noise, but not a lot of silence either. People were now probably walking back home after work, or people were walking into work for the night shifts.

Though what surprised me was how Goliath wasn't really talking to me as he led me away. But I did know how nervous he was just by how his face would twitch or his arm would tense. I know he's not much of a talker, but I do notice how he likes talking to me....so his unusual silence was a bit concerning.

Caught in a Web (LMK Spider Henchmen x Gender Neutral Reader) *CONTINUING* Where stories live. Discover now