Chapter 7

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"Beat it Brat!! We don't give out free food to beggars!!" The man shouts from his stand as he threw a child away from him.

"Well I didn't want your stupid food anyways!!" A little voice said sticking out their tongue before smirking. They ran away quickly as they brought out two pieces of bread behind their back. The Man from the stand notice this.

"Wha- STOP THIEF!!" The angry man shouts chasing the child with h/c hair.

The little child only continued to sprint away with the bread in their hands, jumping from alleyway to alleyway. They looked back to see the man still chasing after them.

"How is this old fat man still chasing me?!" The child shouts as they began to panic. They noticed a ladder and quickly made their way up it onto the the building. They then dove down and peaked over cautiously watching the out of breath man search for them.

What felt like hours, the man finally left with a angry puff. The child smirked as they got up from their position and quietly climbed down the ladder. They looked outside of the alleyway just in case, seeing the man no more, they ran the opposite way of where the man stand was.

After a little while, they finally arrived at their familiar home. A cardboard box. Home sweet home!!

"Psst...hey awake...?" The child whispers not wanting to disturb Mk if he was sleeping. A little tuff of brown hair popped out of the cardboard box and the little boy's eyes lightened up.

"Y/n!! Where have you been??" He said exiting the box as he waddled over to Y/n. Y/n smirks and shows Mk the two pieces of bread.

"I got us food." They said proudly, handing Mk his loaf of bread. Mk took it but he frowned.

"Y/n...Did you steal this?"

"Ugh not this again." Y/n rolled their eyes making Mk frown even more.

"Y/n you know how I feel about you stealing!! It's wrong!!"

"Well this is survival Mk. It's either we steal or we die. Besides I asked the guy for it first but he just threw me away from him." Y/n pouts chewing on their bread

"My book about Monkey King says-"

"I swear ever since you found that stupid book you've been nothing but a goodie two shoes. Mk, we are nothing but street rats!! That's what people see in us!! Doing good won't do nothing for us...and a thank you would've been nice!! I could have just left you to starve!!" Y/n shouts making Mk flinch back in shock. Y/n felt guilty for scaring Mk but they just want to feel appreciated. To be recognized for what they go through just to help Mk and them to survive.

"I'm going to bed early..." Y/n mutters walking into the cardboard box and sitting there. Y/n noticed Mk's Monkey King book and glared at it.

"Stupid book..."

I felt my eyes open up and I groan. Stupid fucking dream. Wanting to come haunt me and remember the shit I wish I could forget. More like a nightmare.

I get up from my mattress as I hear my 3 am alarm go off. Looking at it with a glare before I just flipped it off. Fuck you alarm.

"Why are you flipping off your alarm?" I hear Macaque ask me. I look over and He wasn't even in his normal attire. He was in tank top and some sweatpants. I mean I have no room to talk, I'm in a dinosaur onesie so...yeaaaaa...

"To answer that question, I'm pissed off at it. That is all." I say with the most blank face ever, making Macaque snort.

"Well then. Good to know you're gonna be in a good mood. Get dressed and meet me for training ok kid?" He says sarcastically making me mumble a small 'yea' before he left me to myself once more. I laid there for a couple of seconds contemplating my whole e distance before I finally pulled myself up from my not so comfy makeshift bed.

Caught in a Web (LMK Spider Henchmen x Gender Neutral Reader) *CONTINUING* Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt