Chapter 23

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The winds had finally calmed down. They sky had opened up to reveal the brightly shone sun of the world. It greeted the Earth by kissing it with its pale light.

I grunt as I helped Macaque stand up on his own, but he still clutched his side from the beating he took from Monkey King not to long ago.

Speaking of The Monkey King-

"UGH! I can still feel her crawling under my skin!" Monkey King shivered in disgust before being tackled by Mk, who cheered in triumph that his mentor was back.

"Aw man. How come you weren't that happy to see me out of the Bone demon's control?" Macaque playfully jested as I gave him a blank stare.

"Because you tried to kill me?"

"I....fair point..." Macaque's ears pointed downwards, guilty for his actions.

"It's fine. I just forgave you 5 seconds ago." I grinned and Macaque just chuckled, still leaning onto me for support. It's weird considering how even I was still healing from my earlier injuries, yet was still doing better than him.

'It's because I've been healing your body the moment you fell injured....Which I haven't gotten a thank you for.' Demi scoffed sassily.

'Mmm I'll give you this. But only because I know it'll hurt like a bitch if you weren't healing me...So thank you Demi.'

'You are most welcome Y/n...'

"Wait a minute....Uh Guys? Now that Wukong's not under her control-" Before Macaque could warn the two, winds once more grew, then sun being blocked again by LBD's powerful blue mist.

"Predictably- Unpredictable FOOLS! I'm not one to rush destiny...but I WONT be undone by a troop of headstrong SIMIANS!!" The bone demon burst into a blue light, her skin pale white that matched her hair, as her eyes became a ruby red.

But something else had happened.

A child was released from her body, sending the poor girl flying.


"On it!" I sprint forward, disregarding the Bone demon as I leaped up and caught the girl in my arms with ease. Before landing back on my feet.

Macaque sent me a look, telling me to bring the girl to safety. With a nod, I disappeared through the floor, popping back out little ways from the sight of the battlefield, just so I can keep an eye out.

"If the dragon girl won't give me the samadhi fire willingly- Then I will RIP it from her!!" The bone demon threatened the burst of the Samadhi fire forming around the giant mech.

"Fuckkkk...Mei won't be able to withstand for long if they don't get her out of her prison!" I seethe before hearing the little girl in front of me shift. Not before Macaque had joined my side, trying to stray from the LBD's chaotic power.

"W...what happened...? w-where am I?!" The girl leaped up in fear, her eyes holding immense fear for the world around her. Her black hair held white stripes...almost like Macaque and the Monkey King had now.

'It's what happens when she controls you for a long period of time...of course she's been through it the she has more...' Demi murmured somberly and I nod to myself before looking at the little girl.

"Hey kid, are you ok? Nothing broken, nothing hurting? Any bumps or bruises?" I asked in the most soothing voice I could manage. The girl's breathe slowed down for a moment. Can't believe that worked...

"I-I don't think so...?" She whispered out with a whimper. She was so terrified...It reminded me of how I was...with how Macaque found me in my box home.

Caught in a Web (LMK Spider Henchmen x Gender Neutral Reader) *CONTINUING* Where stories live. Discover now