Chapter 18

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"Why are we doing this again?" Huntsman grumbled from beside me, crossing his arms as he looked around all the brightly colored lights.

"You three have been cooped up in the damn hotel for days. Well, besides the times you went grocery shopping-" I hummed, before waving it off, "My point is that we need to get out before all of us go stir crazy. Mainly me. You three are insane....except you Gal."

"Thank you...?" Goliath scratched his head at the one sided compliment. A slithering feeling passed a through me, one I've grown accustomed too by now, as Demi appeared on my shoulder. Yet they were shrunken down to avoid attention.

"Don't act so innocent. You're just as insane as them..." Demi mused

"That's because I have you nagging in head all day about wanting to eat cake and all the snacks. I'm gonna get a serious disease because of you if you don't quit." I scoffed, watching as Syntax typed away on his wrist tech.

I could tell there was A LOT of staring hooligans. Nothing new. I mean, imagine seeing a bunch of purple spider demons walking around your town with a human who has a killer robot arm...and who hasn't looked like they've seen the sun in 20 years.

Yay self decrepitation!!

But yeah seriously. I'd probably be freaked out to if I was somewhat normal. But I'm not soooo...Fuck people!

"What's that...?" Huntsman stopped as he looked at a food stand in curiosity, walking towards it.

"Ahh...They're Candy apples. Basically taking something healthy and coating it with pure sugar." I snorted, looking at the pure red candy apples being handed out to little kids.

"...It smells good..." Huntsman muttered, eyeing the sweet treat, yet not approaching the booth. I rose a brow before strolling over, ordering three, then coming back with them.

"Here. My treat." I handed them out to the three henchman, Goliath took it immediately and thanked me, Syntax looked up from his tech to take it muttering a small thanks, and lastly Huntsman was proposed with a candy apple.

And he just stared.

"Aw come on man- You still think I'm gonna poison you or something? That cookie wasn't remember? So you can trust me on this again." I teased and Huntsman stammered.

"If you don't eat it. We will..." Demi liked their teeth in anticipation.

"Uh. No we will NOT. We need to go on a diet. Meaning, no more sweet shit." I sassed, pushing Demi's head down from getting to close to the candy apple.


As Demi threw a fit, I simply just take Huntsman's hand, and placing the treat in his fingers. The touch sent a ripple of flush down Huntsman's back, but Y:n had already turned around before he could really acknowledge it.

"Demi for fucks sake- You're an all powerful spirit demon. Stop your whining." I groaned as the shadow continued to screech in my ear while walking through the

"Correction. I WAS an all powerful demon spirit. Until your mentor contained me into a mere puppet. Then accidentally transferred me too YOU." Demi spat, pouting like a child, "I bet he doesn't even know it either."

"Hmm. Which is probably why you never appear when he's around right?" I asked and Demi shrugged.

That was something I learned about them. They weren't JUST shadow puppet. But a spirit of someone who was once great, which probably explains the whole- Turing into a fused monkey or something like I did back in the Emerald mountains and shit.

Caught in a Web (LMK Spider Henchmen x Gender Neutral Reader) *CONTINUING* Where stories live. Discover now