Chapter 6

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So some things happened. First off there's was giant dumpling in the sky that covered the city. Then after that, guess what happened. My apartment got destroyed. You wanna know why? BECAUSE OF FUCKING MK. You wanna know how? PING PONG. FUCKING PING PONG.

Thank god I managed to actually salvage some of my stuff like my wallet and phone. But everything else? Completely gone!! It's whatever. I'm just utterly pissed off now.

But luckily for me Macaque offered for me to stay with him back at the theater, you know just like when I was a teen. I guess it's convenient since I won't have to rush here for training. I still had my mattress laying there so it wouldn't be to terrible. It's better than living out on the streets....again...

I groan as I just got done with my job, that I got about 2 weeks ago. Good thing I did because I'm gonna need the money to buy whole new apartment. It was just a simple job at f/r that was opened and I took that chance.

My body was sore due Macaque waking me up at 3 am to do some early training before the day starts. He said that will be doing it more often since I'm living with him again.

I walk up the hill as I listen to my playlist on my phone. I didn't exactly feel like going back to theater yet so I decided to take a walk in the forest area outside of the city barriers.

I take a deep breath of non city air. As much as it doesn't seem like it, I really do enjoy nature. Something about it just makes me forget why I'm even in this disgusting world. Makes me feel like I can just escape from reality.

I find a nice patch of grass and laid down upon it, letting the Earth consume me. I stare up into the sky with the trees covering up the sun. This is my happy place right here. Something that is little by little being destroyed because of humanity and their need for unnecessary buildings.

My last song came to end and I pulled out my earbuds so I could listen to the sounds of nature. I felt my stress and tense body relax immediately as I closed my eyes wishing that I could just stay here forever.


I perked up as heard a twig snapped and the bushes ruffle. I stand up cautiously as I glare straight forward where the noise was coming from. I summon a shadow kunai within my hand still not breaking eye contact with the bush.

Quickly I threw the shadow kunai through the bush and I hear a very girly yelp. I summon another kunai running over to the bush getting ready to attack. But who I saw actually caught me off guard.

"Uh...Goliath...? What are you doing here??" I ask the formally known Strong Spider clutching his chest in fear as stared at the kunai stuck in the tree inches away from his head.

"Holy mother of the celestial gods...You almost killed me!!" He screeches still trying to get over his shock

"Oops...Sorry...?" I say making my kunai disappear as well as the one next to Goliath. He glared a little but didn't really say anything else.

"So again, why are you here? I thought you would be hanging out with the other spider dorks." I say causally as I walk back out to where I was laying down.

" see...I-"

"You followed me didn't you?" I said making him nervously nod, "Why?"

"My Queen has been more agitated lately...and things were getting to tense in the lair. I was originally sent to scout out for any relics that we need but I saw you walking out here and got curious." Goliath said pressing his two fingertips together shyly.

"You know, for a big strong spider dude, you seem to be more nicer and mellow than the other two." I said lying down on the grass once more.

"Well...Syntax and Huntsman can be rude at times...But they are someways..." Goliath said scratching his head before walking over with his spider legs.

"So...why are you out here?? No offense but I didn't take you as an outside type of person." He asked as he just watched me lay down in the grass.

"Eh I'm not usually a outside person but every once in a while I like to sit out in nature. It helps out with stress I guess." I shrug and he nods. Silence passed over the both of us, just the sounds of birds chirping and the wind flowing.

"You're not as bad as I thought you'd be." Goliath stated out of nowhere

"What? Mean and scary?" I ask him with smirk making him slightly smile.

"Nah. You're not that mean and scary."

"Expect the unexpected." I said with jazz hands making Goliath actually let out a tiny laugh.

"I've been meaning to ask you something..." I said leaning my arms behind my head. Goliath perks up.

"You want to ask me something??"

"Yeah who else am I gonna ask? The grass??" I say sarcastically but in a playful way. "If you're really so devoted to your Queen, then how come she doesn't treat you guys how Queen's should treat her subjects?"

Goliath remained quiet. I turned to see him look down deep in his thoughts. He sighed and responded to my question.

"Like I said she's been more agitated lately...maybe having to do with that creepy little girl but I don't know for sure. All I know is that she is my Queen and I am externally at her service, weather I like it or not."

"To me that's just a load of bullshit. You are your own person...uh Spider? Whatever. You should be able to do whatever the hell you want without your so called Queen telling you no. Isn't there more to life than just being a henchman?" I said crinkling my nose in annoyance.

For some reason those words struck an interest with Goliath's mind. He doesn't know for sure why but something about it made him really stop and think. I mean, whenever has his Queen done something for them?? Don't they deserve...No. He shouldn't think of such nonsense!!

"My loyalty lies with the Queen." Goliath said but he didn't sound so sure with his words himself.

"Eh suit yourself man. It's your choice." I said before I felt my vibrate in my pocket. I pulled it out and saw messages from Macaque.

*Kid where are you? You were supposed to be back an hour ago?'*

I groan and stand up from my comfortable position, wiping off the grass. Goliath watched the whole time tilting his head with confusion.

"Looks like I gotta go big guy. The Dark Lord has summoned me and requires my presence." I snort at my own joke. Hah I'm so funny.

"Dark lord??" Goliath questioned

"Aka my version of my Queen. Pfft not really. He's my Mentor. Cya later alligator." I said and Goliath just stared at me. I sigh in disappointment.

"Ok after I say that you say, After awhile crocodile, ok? From the top!! Cya later alligator." I repeated

"Oh!! After awhile crocodile...? Did I do it right??" Goliath asked making give him a thumbs up. Y/n waved goodbye and began making their way out of the forest area. Goliath just watched the whole time until they disappeared from sight and silence was returned once more.

That was until his mini earpiece that he wears to contact the others started beeping. He snapped out of his staring and immediately answered.


"WHERE ARE YOU?! WE'VE BEEN CALLING YOU FOR THE PAST HOUR!!" Spider Queen screeches making him flinch at the noise.

"M-My Queen!! I'm deeply sorry I got held up and I was just-"

"Excuses!! Excuses!! Just get back down to the lair. NOW!!" She interrupted him and hung up. Goliath immediately sprinted towards the city, his spider legs helping him go faster.

Hopefully the Spider Queen won't be too mad with him...

I wrote this chapter during school lmao.

I thought Goliath and Y/n needed some bonding time so I decided to make this chapter😌

Again no art this time very sorry!!

RANDOM QUESTION TIME🔔 Have you ever played a sport??

I used to play softball for at least 6 years.

Anyway ima go before my class starts!! Have a nice day/night!! BYEEEEEEEE!!

Caught in a Web (LMK Spider Henchmen x Gender Neutral Reader) *CONTINUING* Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora