Chapter 05

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Alessia's POV
Fury didn't show emotions, so it was really hard to tell what he was feeling right now.

"Swan. My office. NOW" he said sternly. Loki immediately stepped forward and said "She didn't know that I wasn't allowed outside the tower—" "Brother, please" Thor interrupted while shaking his head. Loki frowned then his face hardened "You can't possibly be okay with this! He's about to punish an innocent woman all for his own ego-!" "Loki it's okay. Just take the candy and I'll come visit later" I said patting his back comfortingly. Loki deflated and reluctantly did as told.

I then followed Fury to his office.


I sat in the seat across from him at his desk "Swan. What you did was completely inappropriate-" he started but I cut him off "How exactly? I made a friend and went to hang out with them because that's what friends do" He glared "Swan-"

"How much longer are you going to punish him? He's apologized and he's repenting and trying to undo all his mistakes. You've seen how he is with me."


"Nothing bad happened! Is it because he's hanging out with me? I'm just a background character to the others, and I'm completely fine with that. Hell, the only other person who likes me is Maria and she's gone half the time because of you."


"My whole life I've never had friends or family, and the one person that makes me feel normal I can't have because it offends you-"

"Enough! Alessia!"

I shut up then and bowed my head in shame about how I lost my temper "Yes sir" I mumbled making him sigh almost sounding regretful.

"I don't care about your friendship with Loki. I care about how you went about it" he said making me peer up at him "You didn't ask permission. When I called you back you disobeyed, disrespected me, then disappeared for five hours. I was....concerned" I looked up at him fully now with surprise decorating my face "I called the whole team together to look for you, but thank god you turned up then" I glanced down at my lap.

".....why do you care...?" I mumbled "Excuse me?" He asked so I repeated louder "Why do you care what happens to me?" "Did you miss the part where I planned to adopt you?" He asks making me scoff and tearfully look up at him "That's a load of bullshit!" His eyes widened in surprise "Alessia...."

"No one's ever cared about me before! So what's this really about, huh?! My talents or your ego?!" I snapped "Why would you actually care anyway? I'm not Bella! I'm not pretty, or as smart, or well liked, or as loved as she is....I'm just me" Fury suddenly knelt down in front of me and he seemed at a lost for words ".....Alessia...I...I..."

I sniffled and said "My own parents couldn't even find it in their hearts to actually love me.... So why? Why would you care when they didn't? How could you care about me when even they couldn't?!"

I was full on sobbing by now and Fury decided that the only way that he could help me was to hold me. So he did. I sobbed into his chest as 17 years worth of pain and neglect and swallowing my own feelings came toppling over and drowning me.

Fury held me throughout it and just rocked me until I calmed down. He sighed and handed me some tissues "I think that we should pick this up need rest" I shakily nodded and began to walk out when Fury called out "I really do care about you Alessia...sometimes I wish that you were born my daughter because that is a title that I would wear with pride" I glanced back at him unsure of what to say or do so I left.

I went to Loki's room and knocked "Enter" I walked in and Loki looked up and stood up "Pet" I then asked "Could I sleep here? I don't want to be alone" his face was soft as he said "Yes, of course" He got back into the bed and I crawled in next to him and curled up into a ball. He wordlessly wrapped his arm around me and began to read Charlotte's Web aloud to me.

I drifted off to sleep.

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