Chapter 08

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(A/n): Again, it's been forever since I watched Civil War. I'm doing it from memory, I'll also be skipping a lot of things so I'm sorry if something is incorrect 😓

Alessia's POV
The woman guarded me and wouldn't let me leave until things calmed down.

Once they did T'Challa came back into the room with Fury and Loki by his side. As soon as they entered the room the woman barely had time to put away her staff before Loki was embracing me. I hugged him back, but when I looked up I noticed that T'Challa had a disappointed and sad look on his face.

I pulled away and the first out of Loki's mouth was "Are you alright?" I nodded and said "Yeah, a little shaken, but I'm fine. What happened?" The men exchanged looks before T'Challa said "It appears that there was a break-in. Someone from this, 'HYDRA', corporation managed to infiltrate SHEILD and woke up the Winter Soldier" I looked at him shocked and worriedly asked "Is Bucky okay? Did you recapture him?"

Fury and T'Challa frown, but Loki answers me "Yes, King T'Challa has agreed to help him" I look over to T'Challa and walked over "You''ll help him? Even after..." I trailed off not saying anything about what happened with his father in case it upset him. T'Challa nodded and said "Yes. I believe that he deserves a second chance, especially since what happened wasn't his fault or his own doing" I just stared at him as a new wave of respect and admiration for this angelic man before me filled my being.

I smiled up at him and say "Well, your highness, I think that you are the most forgiving and open minded person that I've ever had the pleasure of meeting" he smiles down at me and says "I thought that you were going to treat me like any other man that befriends you" I shrug and said "I can be respectful....sometimes."

He chuckled and I turn to Fury and say "Can I see him, before he leaves?" Fury hesitates. Clearly not wanting me to be alone in the same room with an unstable mass murder, but then Loki says "You have nothing to worry about, Ally has a knack for taming beasts like The Soldier and I. Besides, I'll be there to make sure that everything goes smoothly."

Fury hesitates again, but nods. He knows that Loki won't let anything bad happen to me.

Loki and I then walk out, but not before I trot back to T'Challa and say "You need to stop by my room before you leave and say goodbye. If you don't I will hack Wakanda and find embarrassing and personal data and expose you. Whether it's naked baby pictures, or a drunk night mistake, your ass is mine" I think pecked his cheek and said "See you tomorrow!"

I skipped off leaving behind a stunned king and guard, and an amused Fury. Loki is smirking as he walks by my side "Did you just threaten to blackmail a king of a foreign country?" I glanced at him and said "I don't threaten, Friggason, I promise."

I walk ahead and almost miss him say "I'm impressed" before he catches up.

I walk ahead and almost miss him say "I'm impressed" before he catches up

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