Chapter 8: Orochimaru

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Niki's POV

"Listen up maggots! This is the forest of death. This has a bunch of huge monsters. So I wouldn't be playing around in there if I were you."

Naruto scoffs." This forest doesn't scare me." Anko looks at him."So we got a tough guy here, eh?"

Anko takes out and kunai and throws it at Naruto. It passes him but cuts his cheek. The boys eyes grow wide.

Anko goes behind him with her right arm over his shoulder and starts saying something thing to him. Then Orochimaru gives the kunai she threw back to her, with his tongue.

My team and I are standing at one of the gates with our earth scroll."Go!" Anko yells. We run through gate. Dad, here I come! "Ugh, I got to pee." Naruto exclaims. We stop and Naruto start to unzip the zipper on his pants

"Don't do it here!" Sakura yells."Why not?" He asks."Because there are 2 girls here. Me and Niki."

I shrug."I don't care." They all look at me like I'm crazy."What? Didn't you guys take health class?"

"What's health class?" Sakura asks."It's a class where you learn about your body. Then the teacher shows diagrams of a naked male and female body's. And you learn what the body parts do-"

"I think we heard enough." Sasuke tells me. Naruto goes somewhere else to pee. We wait for him. Naruto then comes back.

I punch him in the face."Why'd you do that Niki?!" Sakura questions."That not Naruto." I tell them.

"She's right. Naruto has a cut in on his face..." Sasuke states. I nod."You kids are not as stupid as I thought." The ninja says to us. I grit my teeth.

I run over to the ninja, do a low spin kick, tripping him. Then before he falls to the ground I do a backflip. And my feet hit him in the face while I did the backflip. He flies into a tree.

I smirk."Don't ever call me stupid." I hiss. Looking for Naruto, I find him tied up. I untie him.

Few Minutes Later

"We gotta make a password....."
I decide to ignore them. That password is too long. Why not use Abraham Lincoln's speech. I think sarcastically.

We start leaping from tree to tree again. Then we get separated from Naruto. Naruto somehow finds us.
"What's the password?" Sasuke asks.
Naruto says the super long password.
"Your not Naruto." Sasuke says.
"But he said the password correctly." Sakura tells Sasuke.

He shakes his head."Naruto would never memorize a password that long."
I nod."Thats really clever." The fake Naruto says.
The ninja stops the disguise.
And the ninja is...Orochimaru!
"Hi Orochimaru!" I wave.

He chuckles."It looks like I have a fan."
He takes a closer look at me."You look familiar. Have we met?"
I nod."Read my necklace." I go closer to him. And he reads it. His eyes widen.

"Niki?" I smile."The one and only"
I hug him. It's kinda weird having Orochimaru as a dad. But whatever.
"I'm just gonna tell now, that I'm not gonna be this fight for the scroll. I don't want to take sides."

"Very well." He says. I look back at Sasuke and Sakura. They give me a confused look."I'll tell you guys later." I say to them.

(I forgot the fighting scene, so I'll just make up my own fight)

Sasuke runs at Orochimaru."Fire Style: Phoenix flower jutsu!" The Uchiha chants. The fire heads toward Orochimaru."Water Style: Water bullet jutsu!" Orochimaru says. He uses the water to take out the fire.

Orochimaru runs to Sasuke and kicks him in the stomach, making the Uchiha fly into a tree. The boy coughs up blood."Niki help Sasuke!" Sakura screams."I can't. You'll have to help him. If it's possible." I tell her.

The pink haired girl throws some kunais at Orochimaru. Instead of a facepalm I do a facetree. That's how dumb Sakura is."Baka!!!" I yell at her.
She looks at me with a mean facial expression."Keep looking at me like that, your dead!" I threaten.

"What's that password aga-"
I interrupt."Just hurry up and get your ass down there, Naruto!" He obeys and starts to help Sasuke fight."Give me your scroll." Orochimaru demands. Sasuke take the scroll out and starts to hand it over to Orochimaru.

"What do you think you doing Sasuke?!" My blonde teammate shouts.
"We can't beat this guy Naruto! So we have to give him our scroll." Naruto punches Sasuke in the face."Your not Sasuke."

Sakura goes over to Sasuke to help him up."Sasuke would never back down so easily!" Naruto says.

Naruto's eyes start to turn red, teeth get sharp, and hair gets frizzy. Orochimaru summons a huge snake. The snake then quickly slithers its way over to my teammates. Sasuke stands there, frozen in fear.

Naruto stops the snake from it going to Sasuke. The Uchiha's eyes widen when we sees kurama's (nine tailed fox's real name) chakra. Some snakes catch Naruto taking him to Orochimaru. Purple chakra appear on Orochimaru's finger tips. The snake man slams his purple chakra covered finger tips around the seal on Naruto's stomach.

Naruto flies into a tree unconscious. Sakura throws a kunai and it hits Naruto's shirt. So he won't fall to the ground."Sakura, take Naruto and Sasuke and find somewhere safe to rest."
She looks at me concerned."What about you?"

"Just go!" I yell. She nods them leaves. I look at Orochimaru."You've got a lot of explains to do." I tell him."What do you want me to explain?"

"Tell me about mom."
He sighs."When your mom was a kid, she was a really nice person. Until her parents where murdered. She started being mean. Some people attempted to talk to her but failed. That's when I wanted to talk to her. She ignored me at first, but the 2nd time I talked to her
she started to talk to me also. We became friends. Then after a few months we became a couple."

"While we were a couple, she was so cheerful. She told me that she'll become the best ninja ever. But she died during battle." He looks away from me."I better get going." He leaps away.
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