Chapter 9

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"They are here in part for your safety," Dowling states.  I can see that she doesn't like the idea of added security, "As well, it is out of my hands. The Queen ordered them herself, and they only follow her orders."

"And Jackson's," I grunt, sitting up. "I do not trust them."

"Well, you may have to learn to work with them," Silva blankly states, "I can't keep ordering Marco to keep them away."

Dowling slowly paces the length of the room, "I don't like them having complete access across the school."

"Why not only let them attend the Fairy classes with Scarlet," Sky offers from his side, "Then Nora and Marco can take over for the Specialist training."

"I like it, almost like a double major back in the First World," Professor Harvey, having finished, gently pushes/ guides me to lay down on the bed, "It may work." 

"I can say that I am training her and that my lessons are done in private so that no one would find out about her identity," Silva thinks out loud.

"Very well."

Dowling leaves me to rest, as does Professor Harvey. After asking Sky to get Bloom for me, I settle down as Silva takes a seat in my chair that I have against the wall. I can feel his eyes looking me over in a new light. I simply keep my eyes closed, just letting my body relax. The energy in the room shifts. It goes from calm to confused as the minutes pass, "What is it, Silva?"

He takes a second, "I can understand if you don't want to talk about it..."

"Hating the start of this conversation," I turn my head to lock eyes with him, "Go ahead, ask."

"You're a Changling Fairy.  A powerful one at that," he leans forward to rest his elbow on his knees, "So why do you still want to train? Most people would not even think twice it they had the same powers as you do."

"Magic is not always there. At some point in time, I will have to fight without my magic. And I will be coming home," keeping our eye contact, "I will not make the same mistake of not being prepared again."

Silva stays with me for another hour as I beg him to tell me a story about his adventures. My favorite is about his time with Dowling, Professor Harvey, and Sky's dad. How all of them fought and grew to be like siblings. Our time ends when Alexander Jackson enters the room with two soldiers of the Solarian Army with him. I really don't like this guy. Silva has moved in front of me to block them, "You can't just burst into a lady's room, especially a Duchess' room," he reminds them all, "If she had not been dressed, you would have exposed her to all these men and anyone that walked by in the hall."

"Her Grace's guards are none of your concern, and you would do we-"

"But their behavior reflex your teaching," my even-toned voice cuts him off, "HeadMaster Silva is correct in pointing out your mistake," I stand with a grunt. Silva takes half a step to the side so that he can see me as well, "You have no right to come into my room without being called for. Especially in a well-defended building."

"Forgive me, Your Grace," Jackson gives me a small bow of his head, "Queen Luna will be here in a few days along with the box that your mother, the Late Shadow Duchess, left you."

I nod my head in understanding, "There is one thing I need to address with you," Mr. Jackson listens intensely to me, "When I have fairy classes, I will allow the Solarian guards to follow me at a distance. However, when I go to train with Silva, Nora and Marco, or whoever the HeadMaster picks will take over."

"This is for her protection," Silva joins me, "She shares most classes with Stella, so her cover won't be blown."

"I will be able to work on pairing my magic to a specialist fighting the Burned Ones."

"I don't have to explain how Her Majesty will not approve of this when she finds out."

"I believe she will. Especially when she sees what I can do."

For the days leading up to Queen Luna's visit, I spend time with Bloom. I know she is craving answers about who her parents were. I have that same longing, even with gaining a new family. I will never really get to know my mother, and no one knows who my father is. It will always be a hole in my heart, but I have learned to cover it and never show it to anyone. Everyone has heard about my brush with the Burned Ones, so instead of having to deal with all the stares, I join Musa, Bloom, and Aisha in Dowling's outer office. Where Aisha works.

"'s just that..."

"That you want everyone to stop staring," I cut her off, entering with my food.

"Scarlet," Bloom pulls me into a bone-crushing hug. 

"Easy," tell her through gritted teeth, "Parts of it are still healing."

Musa and Aisha latch onto that, "What do you mean still healing," Musa asks with her eyes shining purple as she reads me.

"Harvey, Dowling, and Silva don't know why, but part of the veins are still there, and some are gone."

"Maybe it has something to do with you being a Shadow Fairy," Aisha offers as she flips through files.

"Well, Queen Luna should be here later today with the book and letters that my mother left me. Maybe there will be something in there," I can see Bloom doesn't want to have the conversation stay on this track, "Hey, sis can you help me with my paper that is due tomorrow?"

"Sure," she jumps at the chance to escape.

Arm in arm, we make our way to my new room. My silent shadows following behind, "Don't worry about them," I state after Bloom has looked over her shoulder for the third time, "They won't come in or bother us. They are too scared of me."

"What did you do?"

"Nothing. Just changed what they saw to a Burned One when they tried to spy on my training with Silva."

"Of course you did," a smirk graces her face, "Is that how you never got caught by our adopted parents?"

"Can't really be mad at me when I 'wake up' and get a snack from the pantry when they 'see ' me in pj's."

Her face is priceless as it drops and makes an o shape. She stays with me in my room till Mr. Jackson comes to fetch me for my meeting with the Queen. Don't worry. You got this," she whispers in my ear, giving me one last hug.

I follow Jackson, and my shadows follow me as we make our way to Dowling's office. Aisha stands up when she sees me. I shot her a wink before we stop at the door, "Your Grace,  Her Majesty Queen Luna of Solaria and your aunt."


I just wanted to say thank you all for waiting for this update. I have a newborn niece that is sick and does not live in the same country that I do. This has been a challenging past three months for my family. Again I thank you for waiting and hope you enjoy it.

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