Chapter 11

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Silva didn't tell me what was going on, so instead of attending the assembly, I stay inside my room looking over the basic information about the royal family. My glance wanders to the box that holds the secrets of my shadows. Part of me wants to dive right in; another needs time. Growing bored since nothing is going on, I dress in my training gear. However, when I open the door, Sky is there, and the Solarian guards are moving to stop him, "Sky, what is it?"

"The assembly was to find out who had killed Dowling's assistant," he starts, "They didn't find the person at the meeting. Only Bloom and Beatrix were not there."

 Blowing past my guards, "Where is Bloom now?"

"I was coming to check here-"

Moving quickly, we race to Dowling's office. Inside, the other girls from the suite are there. All that is, except Stella. The concerned looks on their faces tell me they already know she is missing, "Everyone except Scarlet, leave my office."

The room is filled with tension as they exit. I latch onto Sky's arm, keeping him there. No one questions this. Silva nods at me and motions to a chair, "Scarlet." 

"One of the Salarian cars has been taken. We believe that both Bloom and Beatrix are with it," Dowling states, "We are getting ready to head out now."

"I will be coming with you," I state. Silva goes to speak, "I will answer two questions if you let me come. If you don't, I will sneak out, and you will not know where I am, nor will you get two questions answered."

"Very well," Dowling relents, "Call Marco and Nora to join us. You will not leave their sight."

As we head out to find my sister, our group loads into two cars. The sun is starting to set as we wait by the only road that leads back to the school. Or the only one that they told us about. My concern grows the longer we wait. Dowling, Silva, and Professor Harvey hide along the edges of the road as I, and my two guards watch from a hill. I can hear the car before I see it and decide to give our three teachers a show. 

"Whatever you see," I alert my guards, "just remember that I am next to you," with that, I shift everyone's view. I disappear from sight on top of the hill to appear in front of the moving car that holds Bloom and Beatrix. 

Beatrix sees me but would not have enough time to stop if I was real. Instead, Silva shoots out the tire, making her swerve to avoid hitting me. She runs over the projection of me, "It must have looked real because the next second, my name is leaving the lips of all the teachers. My guards are racing down the hill, and Bloom jumps out of the car, "No," she yells as Dowling places power-blocking locks on Beatrix's wrists. She pulls against Harvey as he tries to keep her back as Silva is diving onto the ground trying to find me under the car. 

"She's not here," he states standing back up. Nora and Marco skid to a stop next to him, "Scarlet! Scarlet!"

Something about how he was yelling pulled at my heart. Almost to the point that I was sorry about the trick I pulled off, "Here," I yelled and waved from my spot on the hill. Poor Noura and Marco have no idea how I was still there. 

The three of them meet me halfway down the small hill, "What the h--l were you thinking," Silva gets right in front of my face. But it is was his eyes hold that have me growing more confused. It is a concern. A concern I have never seen before, along with a wave of anger I have never seen before.

"I was perfectly safe on the hill," I defend myself, "I even gave them a heads up before doing it. Not my fault that they didn't listen."

"If Queen Luna hears that we brought you along, she could have all our heads for putting you in danger."

"I was ne-"

"We should continue this conversation back at Alfea," Marco interjects.

With that, we load up into the car that doesn't have Beatrix. Noura has to ride with Dowling and Beatrix, so there is plenty of room with Harvey driving me.  Marco and Silva box me in on each side. I watch the sunset on our drive back. I notice that the moon is a Full Moon tonight. It almost pulls me as it rises. As we pull up, I can see my sister's dorm mates waiting outside the school. I watch as they greet my sister with a hug and watch her reaction when Beatrix is taken to her cell. Harvey and Silva leave with her leaving me with my guards once more. Bloom was not happy that I had helped Dowling and them catch Beatrix, so I leave her be for the night heading back to my dorm.

"I need to blow off some steam," I announce, changing my course and heading to the training field. Clouds cover the moon, so only a soft glow is left. I flash my eyes so that I can see in the dark.  Noura and Marco leave me, fading into the background so that I can feel alone.

The punching bag I am using must wish I would stop and move on to something else after a few rounds. The rock wall that I had climbed on my first day here grabs my attention. Now that other people were here, I could have them time it. 

Third POV

Noura and Marco watch as Scarlet turns to them after looking at the rock wall. She goes to speak, but as the clouds clear the moon, she is caught in the rays. Scarlet stops talking mid-breath and drops like a sack of potatoes. Rushing forward, Marco tries to touch her as Noura pulls out her phone. However, a soft glow that now covers Scarlet, almost like a second skin keeps them both from touching her. 

"Noura, go and get Professor Harvey and Silva," Marco orders as he tries to reach the Duchess, " Hurry!"

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