Schedule updates and suggestions

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UPDATE: Hello My lovelies! I do apologize deeply for my hiatus. A lot happened that prohibited me from once again writing. I lost my job, started a new one, left that job I had just gotten due to negligence, found a new one. Despite having money, I lost internet and a few other things due to not having enough money to pay for it, and had to start all over again, and then I moved into a new place.

I just got settled into the new job, and my new home, and I am working on getting my finances and life schedule back on track

I work five days a week now, and I'm off on the weekends, so (universe willing) I will be updating on the weekends! at least once if I do get the opportunity to pump out an extra chapter I will.

As for Thanksgiving. I have a four-day weekend beginning the day of thanksgiving. Although I am working on a chapter right now, I'm not going to promise anything this weekend, because I am very picky about how my writing sounds to myself and want this best for you guys. However, you will have at least two or three chapters coming this thanksgiving week simply because I know you all have been waiting.  I hope all of you continue to read this story as it is something I am passionate about. (Please see the bottom for the full schedule)

NOTE: I want to make this known, please feel free to pm me at any time! If you need to talk, vent or have questions Message me! If you just want a friend, Message me! 

My messages are always open for anything as someone who has struggled with a lot, and just wished I had a friend at the time to just talk to, and to build a relationship with outside of my normal day-to-day interactions, I know some of you may feel that way as well. If you have anxiety, and sending the first message makes you nervous, just comment and I will send a message. Everyone deserves to have a friend, and this platform can truly help, I have met many friends on here for the longest time. So please don't be afraid to reach out. 

 SUGGESTIONS: I have had a few people reach out on other stories which makes me curious? Do you guys have any questions about me that you would like answered? If so, leave a comment and i will post a chapter with each question, and an answer! I don't want it to seem like I'm just a stranger writing, if you guys have questions! 

Reminder, I love each and every one of you and I hope you are all doing well and below is the schedule 

Monday-Friday: Will be working on chapters to post on my breaks at work and when I get home before bed. If i manage to finish one during the week, I will post. 

Satuday-Sunday: Definitive chapters at least once. 

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