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Violet's P.O.V
I woke up to the sunlight barely peeking through the currents. I groaned before sitting up. I opened my eyes and saw Elizabeth watching tv next to me. Memories of last night came flooding back, I slightly shuddered at the fear I was in.

"Hmm, Are you okay?" I asked with sleepy eyes. "I'm okay now. What was that thing?" She asked quietly.

"Whatever it was, it was definitely a Demon and its gone. It could've been from Darrens house; however, I did tell him you were done with him, and he left as soon as those words left my mouth." I sheepishly rubbed the back of my neck

She let out a loud laugh, her head tilted back. "Well, you did my job for me." she pulled the comforter up to her neck. "Exactly." I hummed, sinking back into the pillows

We laid there for what seemed like hours, watching things on netflix in silence together. We spent our days off like this. Comfortable silence, Tv, and a bunch of sleeping, and take-out food, It's our decompression from the rest of the week. It was our favorite day of the week, seeing as we only had one day off.

When my cell phone rang. Elizabeth groaned. I grabbed my phone, looking at the screen before declining it, tossing it behind her on the bed and returned to her position. "It was just your brother; he knows this is our day off." I sighed, returning my eyes back to the tv. My phone just began to ring again, this time it was my brother.

"What do you want" I hissed answering the phone, I froze in place, my ears ringing and my heart in my stomach.

"Vi? Vi? What's wrong?" Elizabeth took snatched phone.

"Jasper, what's wrong?" She answered. "The store. You need to get down here. now. It's bad." He sighed.

I quietly got up and grabbing clothes for Elizabeth tossing them to her.

"We're on the way DONT move." She hung up the phone.

"We need to go" Finally registering what was going on, quickly throwing my hair into a ponytail. No words were exchanged as we both hurried into fresh clothes, and into the car.

My head was spinning. A mixture of the energy that was taken out of me last night, the stress running through my body and how tired I am. I don't think 9AM is a suitable time to be awake after finally going to bed at 7AM. I had to relive something I never wanted to see with anyone, anything, any case. I've been in that position. I know what it feels like. I watched my brother go through it right before it happened to me.

There's one question that's running through my mind, what happened to cause it?

My mind is racing over the last hours, from beginning to end. I don't want them fucking with my family but Unfortunately, Life doesn't work that way just because of who my family is, more like my aunt and uncle, and our sensitivity.

"Vi" Elizabeth voice snapped me back into reality

"Hmm" I quickly glanced at her before turning my eyes back on the road

"Are you feeling, okay?" She leaned forward in her seat looking at me.

"Yeah Im fine. Last night just sucked a lot of energy out of me and it was a little hard to witness again but I'm okay though. Promise" I smiled

. Truthfully I was fine, exhausted but I was okay. "Did you get pictures of the store?" She asked, knowing to avoid the conversation of the past.

"No but I'm worried." She sighed.

We stopped speaking, pulling up to the store. It was in literal Shambles. Tears welled up in my eyes, as I ripped the keys out of the ignition walking to meet my brother. I was speechless. The windows were smashed in, shelves knocked over, glass casings destroyed, curtains ripped, merchandise all over the floor, some broken, some just thrown. Jasper wrapped his arm around me. I let out an angry sigh. Jasper opened up his arms, shifting me to the side grabbing a hold of Elizabeth as well.

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