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Third Person P.O.V

Zak stirred awake slowly, pressing Violet against him tightly absent mindedly, earning a content sign from the sleeping woman next to him. 

Peeling his eyes open, he smiled at the girl laid in his arms. He slowly slid out of bed, making sure to keep the blanket brought over her shoulder. He slid the door open quietly, seeing Jay and Aaron at the table. 

"Good Morning." He called huskily. 

"Morning." Jay mumbled. 

"She sleep alright?" Aaron asked 

"She slept soundly. I'm surprised she wanted to stay." He sighed sliding in next to Aaron. 

"I'm not, with her Dad being home. The store being demolished, the relationship with you, her being able to do what she loves without being judged. Why would she want to go home?" Aaron asked. 

"Yeah what's up with that?" Jay asked, Zak leaned back, stretching with a deep sigh. 

"I'm not sure just yet. I don't want to rush her into things, she's not sure about." He nodded.

"You don't want to rush her? or you don't want to take a chance?" Aaron pointed. 

"Look, we met what? Almost a month ago? She's fantastic don't get me wrong, I just dont want to be wrong about another situation. What happens after we finish filming? Is she just going to go back home like nothing happened?" He posed questions the men hadn't even thought about

"I don't think Violet would do something like that. She's already family to us, and it's evidently been reciprocated. I haven't seen any woman you've been with look at you the way she does. After we finish filming is up to not only us when we go home but you as well. You live closest to her, and if you want something man, you're going to have to get over that fear or you could lose her and the bond that's already forming. That bond will become a fling like you're afraid of." Aaron explained

"I know I know. I'm just trying to wait it out and see where it goes. There's something undeniable about her, I just don't want to rush that feeling, if it's not valid" He stated. 

"She's attached to us, not to mention I haven't ever seen you be as gentle as you are with her." Jay reminded him. 

"He's not wrong." Aaron smirked. 

The door to the room slid open, Violet sleepily walking toward the boys who sat at the table. She took a seat next to Jay leaning her head against his shoulder bundled up in a blanket. "Morning there sunshine" Aaron laughed at her sleepy state. 

"Morning." She mumbled. Jay slid over a cup off coffee in front of her. "I love you." She perked up bringing the hot liquid to her lips. 

The boys chuckled, Zak's chest tightening at her words. "You feeling okay?" Aaron asked. "mmhm." She mumbled sipping the coffee with her eyes closed. 

"Vi you look like you're going to pass out again." Zak chuckled. 

"Shush. I'm just in a desperate need for coffee. I know we've decided on not telling me where we're going but how man more lockdowns?"  She asked, putting her food against Zak's leg. The touch enough to satisfy the need to curl up beside him. 

"we have one more. Trying to leave us already?" Jay asked, flicking his gaze to Zak. "Absolutely not, I'm going to be very upset not seeing you guys every day. I just need to time to mentally prepare myself for that day, because I promise I will cry." She informed quietly. 

Warmth, and reassurance filled Zak hearing the words fall from her lips. "Don't cry V. We're all a phone call away." He smiled. "Still." She protested, shaking her head. 

"Billy said he was going to cook after he got out of the shower." Aaron mentioned, changing the subject. 

Violet nodded. "I'm going to return to the comfort of that bed." her energy deflating rapidly, the men exchanging glances. "I'll go." Zak walked following her to the back room and shutting the door. 

"Wanna tell me what's wrong?" He asked, climbing back into the bed beside her. Violet shuffled closer. 

"I don't wanna go" She mumbled. "none of us want you to go vi. I don't want you to go." placing a kiss on her forehead. 

"What am i gonna doooo, I don't want to go home." She sighed dramatically.

 "You could some stay with me for a little bit when we get back." He offered, Violet briefly froze, looking up at him. 

"I can't ask you to do that" She shook her head "you're not asking." He smiled down at her. 

"That's too much. I can't just ask you to let me stay with you for god knows how long just because I don't want to go home. It's not fair to you an-" Zak leaned down, connecting his lips with hers to silence the rambling. Violet smiled as butterflies filled her stomach, bringing a hand to the back of his neck while his hands pulled her by the waist closer to him.

Zak pulled away, resting his forehead against hers, both breathing heavier for air. "again, you're not asking." He reiterated quietly. "Come stay with me for a few days." He smiled. 

Violet bit her lip and nodded gently. "Okay." She nuzzled her face into his chest, hiding the blush on her cheeks. 

"Let's go eat so we can get on the road." he helped her out of the bed softly. 

"One more" She mumbled, standing on her tippy toes and placing her lips against his once again. The kiss was slow, affectionate mixed with an insatiable hunger for one another. Their energies mixing together in harmony, their bodies pressed against each others creating a sense of peace around them. 

"Let's go" She smiled, brightly. 


A/N: what? Two uploads in one week and in under 24 hours? Its a miracle! Im trying to get to together yall! Heres a short chapter to hold you over with a bit of fluff until I can get the next long chapter out. Aiming for that to be up and posted by the end of sunday. Hopefully it will be sooner. 

Much love xx

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