Plan Gone Wrong and New Alpha

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I woke up and saw Caleb in a chair next to me on the left side. The doctor walked in and tapped Caleb's shoulder, he moved around and then opened his eyes. He gave me a wide smile as a loud howl erupted from the house, "Oh no." The doctor turned to Caleb, "Sneak out the back quickly." He reluctantly bowed to me and raced out the back just as Kent stormed in, "Where is she!" I heard the doctor try to speak but Kent just growled and then suddenly walked through the door and stared at me. "Big strong Luna couldn't even handle a little slap." I glared up at him  and he growled at me, " Don't look at me that way." He raised his hand and I flinched and he laughed. He picked me up out of then bed the doctor came to protest but Kent just growled and moved me to his shoulder. I mouthed to the doctor, "Meeting tonight two miles from the house, tell Caleb please." The doctor nodded and Kent carried me all they way to the pack house. He placed me down and pointed to the room, "NO!" He looked at me in shook as everyones heads snapped in my direction especially Caleb's. "Excuse me?" I growled loudly hearing my Luna voice taking over, "We are equals and you cant treat me like this anymore!" He stepped forward and we were pressed up against each other. He raised his hand but I didn't back down this time I held my head up high. He lowered his hand and growled, he threw me over my shoulder and gripped me tightly. I growled and shifted squirming out of his grip and hitting the ground on all fours. I flipped around and growled loudly at Kent, he turned his eyes pitch black Lucas was in control. I felt Athena pull forward, "Lucas you son of a..." Lucas ran down the stairs and quickly shifted. He growled and with that Athen ran at him full force and shoved him against the front door which easily broke under Lucas's weight. Athena ran and jumped over him and quickly flipped around getting in a battle stance, 'Lets go big boy.' He stood up shook off the pain and growled running at us. I howled out as I quickly jumped onto his back and pushed off making him hit the ground. I landed and turned just as he launched into me, I quickly jumped to the side and bit into the side of his neck. He gave a whimper and then shook it off as rage filled in his eyes. I growled again and so did he. We began to circle as more and more of the pack began to circle around us. Athena was in full control and she was super pissed off at Kent and Lucas. He suddenly made a sharp turn and had us pinned. Athena desperately tried to reach any part of his body so she could bite it. I felt her stop as she gave me some control, 'Think of something smart girl.' He growled loudly as I placed my back legs on his stomach and with all my strength kicked him off. He landed on his back and in seconds I stood and pinned him down. I grabbed his neck and nipped it gently as I spoke to him, 'Call defeat.' He growled and I grabbed tighter around his throat. I smiled when I noticed he was starting to give in and then I felt something hit my side. I let Kent go as I stepped off him and looked at the fluffy neon pink thing sticking out of my back thigh. I growled and pulled the dart out quickly, I looked back at Lucas as everything started to circle around me. I watched Lucas stand and growl as he wolf smirked at me. In a blink he had me pinned and my vision started to get more clear. I grabbed him by the neck and pulled him to the ground next to me when I started to get dizzy again and stumbled to the ground. Lucas walked over and grabbed me firmly by the neck and began to drag me to the back porch stairs. It felt like I was a deer he had so proudly killed and brought back to finish. He dropped me and placed his front two paws on my ribs and let all his height hit me. I heard two large cracks as I shifted back and screamed as his wolf only smirked at me. Lucas shifted into human form but was still in full control and grabbed my right wrist and slowly began to bend it back. I was to weak to fight back as a loud pop sounded making me scream out. I watched as he grabbed my other wrist and just as he was about to do something a large grey wolf came around the corner and shoved Lucas to the ground and growled. I was curled in a ball crying holding my wrist as Lucas ran for the wolf. The wolf grabbed Lucas by the leg and threw him against the house. The wolf shifted into Caleb and he picked me up. I looked back briefly and saw Kent unconscious but breathing softly. Caleb ran me into the pack doctor and hand me some new clothes, "Hurry up we need to leave NOW!" I looked at Caleb grabbing two back packs and some medical supplies, "We need to go Kate." I nodded and the doctor wrapped gauze around my torso and stuck at least three needles into my arm. "She should heal up quickly," Caleb nodded as he put the back pack on and picked me up. The doctor took off the white robe thing and grabbed the other back pack, "Follow me!" Caleb nodded and slowly followed the Doctor out the back door as we headed towards the forest. "Kate are you doing ok?" Caleb looked at me as I looked at my wrist, "I feel better." The doctor turned and grabbed my wrist this will hurt try not to scream, "One, Two..." He twisted my wrist fast and I felt my bone snap back into place. I bite my lip making it bleed as Caleb gently put me down. I took a few steps and collapsed, "Her ribs are still to sore to walk. So you will need to carry her a little longer." Caleb picked me up having a smirk on his face, "Oh try not to enjoy this so much." He laughed as he began to run, "The next pack is only a few more miles from here." I felt so excited, "Thought you could get away that easily." The doctor and Caleb stopped moving and turned looking at Kent, "Put me down Caleb." He quickly put me down, "Shift and run!" I looked at Kent as I shifted growing. I felt another body push un next to me, "Go with Caleb I will hold him off." I nodded and looked at Caleb in wolf form as we both began to run. We heard a loud whimper as we pushed faster, "Just another mile." I nodded and we pushed faster, "Almost there just keep running!" I pushed harder and could see the boarder patrol from the other pack. "Stop wolf and shift!" We both nodded and shifted, "Please let us cross we need to cross!" Caleb was yelling, "Calm wolf!" He growled, "LET US CROSS!" I felt something hit me and looked at the dart, "Caleb..." I pulled out the dart as I began to fall, "Please just take her!" I watched a dart hit Caleb, "please..." The guards looked at both of us, "Yes both of you come." I tried to stand and felt another dart him me and I collapsed. Caleb pushed me over the line as Kent walked out and grabbed Caleb. "No Caleb!" Kent looked at me and went to grab me when the guards blocked his way, "She is on our lands now!" He growled as a tall man walked out from some bushes behind me, "Leave she is our's now!" Kent growled and ran off. I looked up at the man, "Help..." I tried to stand but everything was dizzy and my legs gave out making me fall. He picked me up, "Sleep wolf." I felt my eyes close as my body got heavy in his arms. 

I felt pain as my eyes fluttered open and I looked at a lot of men staring at me. I screamed as they all bowed and a kind of chubby tall man walked towards me, "What is your name?" I looked at him, "Luna Kate." His eyes got wide, "Luna Kate?" I nodded, "Who are you?" He smiled, "Alpha Ben." I bowed and felt pain surge through me. He raised his hand and I flinched, "Are you ok?" I was still hiding as I heard his voice, "Kent beat her..." My eyes met with the tall mans, "My name is Kate." He smiled, "I know." I felt my cheeks start to blush, "My name is Alexander but I go by Alex." He stepped next to me and turned my face to look at the stitches and growled, "He's a stupid pig!" I dropped my head, "I need to keep moving." He tilted my head up, "And what if I don't let you?" I smiled, "We'll then I guess I can stay." Alex stepped away as Ben stepped forward, "You are welcomed to stay as long as you need. Kent won't dare attack us we are too big." I looked at him, "I don't know about that." They both looked at me, "I don't know why but he wants me..." Alex growled, "Well that sucks!" I sighed and looked at him. I got out of the bed and felt my legs collapse, "Stop just stay in the bed." Alex lifted me into the bed, "I must go, I have to save my friends." Alex picked me up again and carried me out of the room. "Where are you taking me?" Alex just growled and threw me onto the couch and walked away, "OK then?" He walked back in with a plate of food and a soda, "Eat!" I just stared at him, "Is it poisoned?" He laughed, "No but if we are going to get your friends here you need strength." I looked at him shocked, "What?" He smiled, "I am not going to let you go alone so I thought might as well take her." I lunged at him and pinned him under me hugging him tightly, "THANK YOU!!" He blushed and I got off him. I quickly ate and stood, "Lets go!" I took five steps and fell, "Cupcake you aren't ready I will put you in a room and we will go tomorrow night." He walked over and picked me up, "Fine." He carried me up the stairs and opened two large doors. I looked at the large bed on an inch platform, "Wow." He laughed and placed my on the bed, "The shower is through that door and..." He walked and grabbed a shirt and some shorts and boxers, "I know it's not what you are used to but you can change into this." I took it and headed towards the shower, "What if I slip?" He laughed, "I will wait here in case you need me." I nodded and wobbled into the shower and turned it on, I quickly washed my body. I changed into his clothes letting his scent cover my body. I wobbled out and felt my legs give out right near the bed. Alex caught me and picked me up and placed me on the bed, "You look cute." I blushed as he tucked me in and kissed my forehead. The lights turned off and I screamed, "Where are you going?" He turned the light back on, "Umm the couch." I patted the bed, "I'm scared please..." He smiled and took his shirt off and crawled into the bed wrapping his arms around me, "Goodnight Kate." I blushed, "Goodnight Alexander." Tomorrow was going to be a long and interesting day. My eyes closed as sleep took over and warmth surrounded me.

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